Fricatives - /sh/ sound Phonology Lesson Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fricatives - /sh/ sound Phonology Lesson Plan


Lesson plan for /sh/ sound production – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Fricatives - /sh/ sound Phonology Lesson Plan

SLP 242 - Phonology therapy for the hearing
  • The /sh/ sound

Lesson 1 Correct /sh/ sound production
  • The /sh/ sound is a stream of air (fricative)
    sound. The /sh/ is voiceless. That is, the larynx
    does not vibrate as it does on its voiced
    partner, the /zh/ sound. To produce a clear
    /sh/ sound the tongue is raised high in the mouth
    and pulled back so that the sides of the tongue
    contact the back teeth at the roof of the mouth.
    The lips are slightly protruded The tongue's
    position creates a shallow groove in the center
    of the tongue over which the air stream flows.
    Due to the rear position of the tongue and the
    nature of the protruded lips the sound quality of
    the /sh/tends be louder than its other fricative
    (breath stream) cousins. This sound quality could
    be described to the child as loud and windy. 

Lesson 1 /sh/phonetic placement
  • Phonetic placement
  • A few simple steps to teach the child where to
    place his/her tongue, jaw, lips and teeth for a
    good SH sound include
  • Have your child part his/her lips slightly
  • Then touch your childs tongue with a tongue
    depressor or his/her toothbrush just behind the
    tip of the tongue. Have him/her place the part of
    the tongue just touched on the roof of the mouth
    just behind the bumpy part.
  • Next, have the child lower his/her tongue just a
    little. You may need to use a tongue depressor or
    popsicle stick to help your child lower it
  • Finally, have your child hold this position,
    pucker his lips and breathe out through his mouth.

Lesson 1 producing the /sh/sound
  • Demonstrate to the child what a typical /sh/
    sound looks like and sounds like. You do this by
    slightly protruding the lips and directing the
    breath stream over the middle of the tongue's
    blade. Elongate and exaggerate the /sh/ sound at
    this point. Ask the child to feel with the
    sides of their tongue their upper back teeth.
    When the tongue is in the correct position, then
    have the child feel for the alveolar ridge with
    their tongue tip. The child then lowers their
    tongue slightly so that the tongue tip is roughly
    in the middle of the oral cavity, not touching
    any structures. It's important at this point to
    remind the child to slightly pucker or protrude
    their lips. Try using a small mirror like a
    makeup mirror to give the child immediate
    feedback on how their lips need to be
    shaped. Encourage the child to produce a loud,
    windy sound. Demonstrate the contrast between the
    /sh/ sound and the /s/ sound by alternating the
    sounds like this, /ssshhh/ 'loud and windy
    sound,' '/ssss/ thin and hissy sound.' If the
    child is comfortably producing the /sh/ sound at
    this point have him/her produce the /sh/ - /s/
    contrast. If the child is not yet sure about the
    new /sh/ sound then continue repeating the tongue
    and lips position, using the mirror to reinforce
    correct lip position. 

Lesson 1 - Considerations
  • It may take several sessions for the child to
    feel comfortable producing the /sh/ sound, or it
    may take only 5 minutes. That's the nature of
    speech therapy. Each child is different, of
    course, and each child learns new skills at
    different rates. An important consideration when
    teaching speech sounds is, how well does the
    child interpret oral instructions, and how well
    does the child visualize the relative position of
    their tongue in their mouth? Some children
    struggle with the information overload and get a
    little mixed up when attempting to maintain
    correct tongue position at the same time as
    attempting correct lip position. This can be a
    little frustrating for both the child and the
    clinician. Patience and calm and lots of praise
    for the child's attempts are very important to
    encourage the child's confidence. 
  • If the child is produces a good /sh/ sound
    quickly, you can start with words or listening
    discrimination exercises. For the purposes of
    this lesson plan, we will stop at placement and
    sound production for day 1.

Lesson 1 - Homework
Listen to the words being said by mom, your
favorite TV show and your friends. List 10
words That start with the /sh/ sound. 1- 2- 3- 4-
5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-
Lesson 2 - Rreview
  • Start by asking the student if he/she remembers
    the /sh/ sound if needed, reinforce placement
    and sound production
  • Review homework and quickly emphasize the /sh/
    sound on the words written down by the student.
    Correct wrong sounds by contrasting and
    demonstrating the difference. For example if the
    student wrote a word that begins with /ch/
    instead /sh/ or /s/ instead of /sh/, model the
    sound difference and ask the student to repeat it
    after you
  • Sound in Isolation
  • Practicing a sound in isolation means saying the
    sound all by itself without adding a vowel. For
    example, if you are practicing the /sh/ sound you
    would practice saying /sh/, /sh/, /sh/ multiple
    times in a row. The more accurate repetitions you
    are able to get your child to produce the better.
    For the purposes of this lesson, we will require
    10 accurate repetitions in a row. When you are
    satisfied they can say the sound in isolation you
    are ready to move on to syllables.

Lesson 2 Syllables
Sound in Syllables Practicing a sound in
syllables simply means adding each vowel after
the target sound, before the target sound, and
before and after the target sound, being sure to
practice the long and short form of each
vowel. For example if the target sound was /sh/
after the target sound would be sha, she, shi,
sho, and shu. This is called initial syllable
production, meaning the target sound is in the
beginning of the syllable.
Lesson 2 The word wheel
  • Step 1 Print the word wheel on card stock paper.
  • Step 2 Attach the front to the back with a brass
    paper fastener.
  • Step 3 Have the students spin the wheel to make
    the Sh-words and read them aloud.

Lesson 2 - Homework
Lesson 3 Review
  • Lets review /sh/ sound production.
  • Ask the student to repeat the words on the
    homework worksheet.

Lesson 3 Initial, medial and final /sh/ sound
  • Sound in Words
  • We will begin practicing word cards in the
    initial, medial or final position of the word. I
    am satisfied with 80 accurate independent
    productions. Meaning, I dont count it as correct
    if the child says it in imitation of me. If I
    have to model a word for a child I will often put
    that word card back in the rotation for them to
    say again. After all the cards have been said we
    go back and practice the word cards that were in

Lesson 3 The word Business
  • Activity 2
  • Put two words from a pair in front of your child
    again, but this time, inform your child that he
    will have to tell you which picture to look
    under. Have your child close his eyes and then
    you hide the penny (or candy) under the picture
    with the target sound, thats the one youre
    trying to teach him, not the one he currently
    says instead. Have your child open his eyes and
    this time have him tell you where to look. Your
    child will probably say the word with the error
    sound first so repeat the word back to your child
    and look under that picture. (For example, if
    youre doing long and short sounds with the pair
    two and shoe, hide it under the shoe. When
    your child tells you to look under two, say
    Two. Ok, Ill look under two. Oh, its not
    under two). Then, have your child guess again.
    If he says the error sound word again, repeat his
    error back to him, and then model the correct
    pronunciation of the word. In our example, you
    would say you said two but its not there. Do
    you mean, ssshhhoe? Then, help your child say
    the word with the correct sound so you can look
    under that picture. Once your child can do this,
    try having your child label a picture of a word
    with the target sound by just showing him the
    picture and saying whats this? Once he can do
    this consistently, youre ready to move on to the
    next step.

Lesson 3 The word Business
Lesson 3 - Homework
  • Provide the student with the sentence worksheet
    to begin preparation for sentence building. Ask
    the student to read the sentences out loud to a
    parent or caretaker and ask the parent to sign

Ask your parent or caregiver to listen to you
While you read the sentences. Substitute the
word shiny for the words on the bottom. Once
you are done, your parent or caregiver can Sign
the worksheet. You only need to read each
Sentence once to complete the assignment. You
can do it! I believe in you!
Final tips and considerations
  • If you hear your child say a sound from that
    class incorrectly, repeat your childs error back
    to him as a question. For example, if your child
    says wheres my two? (instead of shoe) you can
    say your two? See if your child can fix it back
    to shoe. If not, say Oh, do you mean shoe?
    Wheres your sssshhhhoe? Then, have your child
    say the sentence again using the long sound
  • Point out the class of sounds when you hear them
    in his own or someone elses speech. Say Oh, I
    heard a long sound there! Sssshhhhhoe. Did you
    hear that?.
  • Come up with a cue with your child that you can
    use to remind him to use that class of sounds.
    This could be touching your mouth or something
    else. During speech time, use that cue to
    remind your child.
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