Title: Food Hygiene Requirements
1A.Food Safety and H.A.C.C.P.1.Food Safety
3. Food Hygiene Requirements
2Food Hygiene
- It focuses on
- defining the food safety objectives to be
achieved - making food operators responsible for adopting
the safety measures to be implemented in order to
guarantee food safety
3Hygiene requirements (part I)
- Food premises, including outside areas and sites
- Transport conditions
- Equipment
- Food waste
4Hygiene requirements (part II)
- Water supply
- Personal hygiene of people working with food
- Wrapping and packaging
- Heat treatment, which may be used in food
processing - Training of food workers
5Hygienic food production (part I)
- control food contamination by polluted water,
air, soil, feedstuffs, fertilizers (including
natural fertilizers), pesticides, veterinary
drugs or any other agent used in primary
6Hygienic food production (part II)
- control animal and plant health so that they do
not pose a threat to human health through food
consumption or affect the suitability of the
product - protect food sources from faecal contamination.
7Hygienic food production (part III)
- Special care should be taken to manage waste and
store harmful substances appropriately.
8Facilities, equipment, etc. (part I)
- Facilities in good structural conditions
- Curtains and electric insect killers
- Appropriate and clean work surfaces
- Appropriate number, size and placement of sinks
9Facilities, equipment, etc. (part II)
- Appropriate equipment sinks
- Cold - hot water
- Adequate lighting
- Staffs toilets, washbasins, cloakrooms, canteens
etc. - Clean toilets for customers
10Waste Management (part I)
- isolate unsuitable food from healthy food
- have appropriate number of bins in the correct
11Waste Management (part II)
- use bins properly (plastic bags, tightly closed)
- remove garbage and unsuitable products
immediately -
12Cooling and heating chain compliance (part I)
- Relationship between temperature time
- Good airflow
- Deviation from the desired temperature
13Cooling and heating chain compliance (part II)
- Daily monitoring and recording of temperature
- Use of thermometers
- Proper function of refrigeration heating
14Summary of 3rdLecture
- Hygiene Requirements
- Hygienic food production
- Waste Management