Title: Use Snaptube Youtube Downloader for Downloading Viral Videos
1Top 5 Viral YouTube Videos Using SnapTube
2- You tube has changed the name of entertainment.
Every time we want to watch any video, we simple
search it on YouTube. Here is the list of top 5
most viewed videos on YouTube till now.
3- One of the most viewed music videos is Dark
Horse by Katy Perry, within a year 894,810,368
people have watched this video. Highest
achievement among all other videos.
4- Cutest video that you have ever seen, Charlie bit
my finger again. The viewers of this 55 Sec have
reached 815,452,416 this year. It was posted in
2007, Charlie must be thinking now what I was
5 - After watching Party Rock Anthem everybody is
trying to match the beats of LMFAO. People have
viewed this over 847,830,618 times.
6- This baby boy has grown up now. However, Justin
Biebers song baby is the second most viewed song
till date with total views of 1,153,822,862.
7Every one of you must have tried this step after
watching Gangnam style video . I dont know how
many of us understand Korean language, but this
video has got highest views till date i.e.
2,294,975,158. More than 2 billion view within 3
years of its published date, such a remarkable
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