Title: Residentail Treatment Centres For Troubled Teens.pptx
1Residential Treatment Centers For Troubled Teens
A residential treatment centers are the place
where a teen is subjected to academic,
therapeutic and environmental experience to
overcome emotional and behavioral problem.
3 Eligibility Requirement
Childrens who are suffering from mental, behavior
and emotional illness. Difficulty in
establishing normal interpersonal
relationship. Exhibit inappropriate behavior
4Rules For Admission
Before taking the kids in to admission a face to
face diagnostic assessment is taken by our team.
5 Our Activities
Appropriate peers relations
Increased impulse control
Community responsibility
6How Do We Work
- We give a structured schedule to our students.
- The children admitted at our end will take meds
at every morning. - A Mom Will observe the teens taking meds and will
report our staff if the teen is not taking meds. - Our staff will ask about meds compliance and give
individual medication education weekly. - Our staff will praise Mom and teens for meeting
meds objective. - Our program is operated a minimum of 2 hours
7How We Work Cont....
Our academy has a rural Hospital where students
have to share his accomodation in a well
furnished room for being 24/7 under our watch and
8Contact us
White River Academy 275 West 100 South, Delta,
Utah 84624 Call Our 24/7 Helpline- (866)
300-0616 For More Info- www.whiteriveracademy.co