Title: Care and Concern
1Care Concern
Non- Governmental Organizations
2What is an NGO???
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any
non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is
organized on a local, national or international
level. Task-oriented and driven by people with a
common interest, NGOs perform a variety of
service and humanitarian functions, bring citizen
concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor
policies and encourage political participation
through provision of information. Some are
organized around specific issues, such as human
rights, environment or health.
3NGOs are referred in many ways
4How many NGOs are working in India
- The estimates of different sources vary but
largely people agree this figure to be between
1 million to 2 million
5Who helps the NGO Sector
- Funding agencies both Indian and International,
- Corporate Companies both Indian and
International - Secret Donors
- Government Agencies
- Mostly various ministries at the central and
state level
6Types of Activities done
- Advocacy and awareness
- Movements and campaigns
- Hardware Activities
- Service Delivery
- Networking
7Major thrust areas
- Health
- Land
- Ravine Reclamation
- Women Empowerment
- Female Infanticide and Feticide
- Food security
- Corruption
- Community Empowerment
8 About us
- At Care Concern foundation, We believe that
life is a never ending journey... a mission of
caring ceaselessly for the less fortunate among
us. With this Unflagging spirit, we continue to
move towards our goal, more determined than
ever. We do not stop to reflect that life is
unfair. We do not hesitate to help those who find
themselves helpless due to misfortune that is not
of their own making.
9Contact us
Regd. Office J-1, Udyog Nagar, Peeragarhi, New
Delhi-110041 Correspondence Office Delhi- K-
DELHI -110041 Phone-91-9990896602 E-Mail info
_at_careconcern.org Website www.careconcern.org Ou
r Associate Office E-57, Phase-8, Industrial
Area, Mohali- 160071
10(No Transcript)