Title: Welcome To Council Of Secondary Education
1Welcome To Council Of Secondary Education
2Read about Council Of Secondary Education
- Our Dream
- Aims Objectives
- Message From The Board
3We provide various Vocational Courses including
Office Secretary Ship, Automobile Technology,
Textile Design Dyeing Printing, Electronics
Technology and more. For more info visit
4To provide Elementary Schools in hamlets where
there are no schools. To provide Free and
Compulsory Education for all children of Age
Group 6-14. To improve the quality of Education
from the Pre-school to Senior Secondary school
level. To eradicate illiteracy. To eradicate
dropouts. To encourage Health Education in
schools. To promote the different Regional
Languages (Mother languages) in India.
5To promote literacy and research and to work for
the welfare of mankind without distinction of
caste creed of religion and also for the poor
especially those belonging to scheduled castes
and backward classes by opening, running, helping
and or assisting schools, colleges, Training
Centers, vocational, Technical and Industrial
Institutions or Centres, Orphanages, Dharamsalas
or Gurudwaras, Hospitals, Laboratories, Nursing
Homes, Libraries Cultural, Social and Research
Centres, and institutions and to carry out any
other similar objects of public utility. To
propagate the idea of service to humanity by
establishing and maintaining Homes, Dispensaries,
Langars and schools for the blind, deaf and dumb
etc. To Plant the trees in the adjoining area of
the school for the better environment of the
school premises To promote and propagate the
case of literacy and welfare of society in
general with special emphasis on education and
health care of the underprivileged, poor children
and women. And more..
Contact Person SECRETARYDr. Manjit Singh Email Id manjit_g_at_yahoo.comPh no- 0172-4002198
Postal Address S.C.F - 61 - 62, Opposite ESI Hospital , Post Box No 37 Industrial Area, Phase-7, Mohali (INDIA)
Ph. No. 91-172-5020945, 91-172-5020947
Fax No. 91-172-5092786, 91-172-5020944
E-mail csemohali_at_gmail.com
7Thank You!!!