Title: David Albon Believes in Ethical Business Practices
1David Albon Believes in Ethical Business
David Albon has always had a strong belief in
justice. When he started his business at a young
age, he worked to make sure that both he and his
employees adopted practices that were ethical and
didnt step on others toes. As a young child,
David Albon dabbled in running his own business
by doing odd jobs around the neighborhood. In
these seemingly small business practices, he
always made sure that he conducted business
honestly. As he grew older and worked for others
as a teenager, he continued these beliefs and was
always a model employee. He graduated high
school with good grades and was able to attend a
good college. He made sure that he studied hard
and earned good grades. He was never tempted to
get ahead by dishonesty. When he graduated
college with the same level of good grades that
he earned in high school, he began to take steps
to start his own business. When he hired, he
specifically sought employees that would only
bring honest practices in his company.
2David AlbonsBusiness Practices with Confidence
David Albon is naturally confident. He applies
this trait to his business and he is often
encouraging to his employees. David Albon learned
from an early age that he needed to set goals in
order to be successful. He has been able to set
small goals from childhood and achieve those.
Throughout high school and college, he used his
goal setting skills to achieve what he wanted to
without easily becoming overwhelmed. David
Albon believes that his strategy of achievement
has helped him to go where he wants to be. David
Albon has achieved much, but he has also had to
make choices as to what would be best for his
business. Some of the choices he had to make were
difficult because they differed from what he
preferred. He found that the choices he made for
the benefit of his business turned out to be
better for everyone involved. Not only does David
Albon work with confidence, but he instills
feelings of confidence in his clients. David
Albons clients continue to work with him on a
regular basis because they are confident that
David Albon will do what is best for them.
3A Love of People Lead To A Career In Business
David Albon loves people. From an early age he
was always surrounded by people. When he was a
child, he loved to interact with his large family
including brothers and sisters. He also spent
much time with his extended family, giving him
exposure to many different personalities and
ages. He loves his family and he loved his
neighbors. David Albon appreciated them so much
that he set up a business to do odd jobs for
those in the neighborhood. Those he did jobs for
included elderly neighbors who were unable to
complete these jobs themselves. He loved to
communicate with them and learn from their life
experiences. The time he spent with his neighbors
and family only fed his love for people and his
desire to be around them at all times.
David Albon is an entrepreneur and he knew early
on that he did not want to spend time alone
locked behind a desk. He took steps to study hard
in school so that he could start his own business.
4How David Albon Makes SureCustomers Come First
David Albon conducts his business in a way that
customers know they are cared about. His business
is most successful because he works to maintain
integrity and good ethics in his business. Since
he began working as a young child, he has made
sure to remember why he began working. It was not
for money, but because of a desire to help
others. David Albon does not make earning money
his top priority. He understands that money will
come, but an entrepreneur has to work for it.
He hires his employees himself and he makes
sure they understand that customers always come
first. He does not believe in sales incentives
like commission because he believes these
practices sacrifice customer service. David Albon
strongly believes that happy customers are the
true base of a successful business.