Title: Captain Aaron Wright_Good Business
1Captain Aaron Wright Good Business
Captain Aaron Wright says that keeping up with
the world economy has now become a routine part
of his day, as it is a direct link and line to
job prospects, as well as knowing what is and
currently isn't valuable. He has been a ship
captain for over twenty years, and during that
time has learned much about everything ranging
from nautical navigation to leadership and
managing skills.
After many years Aaron has finally saved up
enough money to afford his own ship, becoming an
independent contractor. Aaron says that even
while in college, he never dreamed he would reach
a level of intimacy and understanding with the
state of the world that he has today.
2Captain Aaron WrightStaying Informed
Captain Aaron Wright emphasizes the old saying
that proper preparation prevents poor
performance, something he preaches to his crew
over and over, sometimes to their dismay. He
reads newspapers, watches the weather channel,
surfs the internet or local travel conditions,
anything to know more about where he is going and
what awaits him when he gets there. Aaron says
that by staying connected to information feeds
such as news both online and televised, he is
able to make more educated decisions about job
opportunities that arise for his crew and
himself, keeping them all safe and well paid.
He has been piloting ships into turbulent and
potentially dangerous waters and situation for
over twenty years, and says that after all of
that time what he learned the most is that you
should always look before you leap.
3Captain Aaron WrightBeing a Parent
Captain Aaron Wright says that being a father in
this day and age is especially difficult, as they
seem to grow up so fast in a world that has
access to information nearly instantly thanks to
the internet.
He says that all of that access can be a bit
unnerving, especially for him as he watches his
daughters grow up faster than he could ever get
used to. Aaron says that every child is
different, and they have different goals,
aspirations, and behaviors.
4Captain Aaron WrightAn Activist
Captain Aaron Wright is both a pacifist and an
environmentalist, someone who has a deep respect
for life in all forms, including animals. Aaron
says that if we are not more conscientious and
conservative as a species, that soon many more
animals will go extinct, and will be forever lost
to future generations.
5Thank You