Title: 6 Tips For Street Photography
16 Tips For Street Photography
2Street photography is a way of taking pictures of
nature and human conditions within public places.
3It is a similar to photojournalism and generally
includes people, animals and all things that
tells a small story in photograph.
4Some important tips for Beginners Street
5Decide your plan for capturing photos, which type
of photo you want to capture. For Example -
1.Portraiture 2.Unobtrusive 3.Intrusive 4.Geometr
ic 5.Fine Art 6. Raw
6 Establish your subject or goal. Your subject
can be any person, place or area where you want
to click pictures.
7Determine what kind of equipment you have and
acknowledge its limitations.
8Work with light if you are new street
photographer .
9Bring an assistant during street photography
10Most important thing is to continually take
11If you are trying to capture first time street's
photgraph these tips will be helpful and will
make your's photography unique.
12Create by - valeriitkachenkophoto.com