Title: Animation Yogi (1)
1Animation Yogi
2Motion Graphics Video
A digital technique that combines and captures
video, audio, imagery and text in motion is known
as motion graphics. Depending upon the message
that you need to convey multiple graphics and
other elements can be added to create a motion
graphics video. These videos are short,
tremendously dynamic and possess an essence of
fun due to their constantly varying nature. The
constant variation is gripping and 100
comprehension is guaranteed because audiences are
captivated. At Animation Yogi, we offer
customized motion graphics videos, which make use
of several elements and require a few seconds to
convey strong meanings and messages to your
target audiences. You can promote your
organization, your brand, goods and services and
also a cause using our extraordinary and
compelling videos. When needed, our experts
incorporate your company logo or other symbols,
along with relevant material to promote your
organization and its identity. Motion graphics
videos can be distributed and stored with
exceptional ease as they do not take up a lot of
space. This fact along with the creativity and
expertise of our experts increases the reach
followed by the impact of the unique motion
graphics videos produced by us.
The video production process begins with a set of
questionnaire, where you'll have the opportunity
to share your thoughts, ideas or vision for your
4Research Scripting
As we receive the answers to your completed
questionnaire, Animation Yogi is going to prepare
a wonderful and fruitful video script for you.
The average script will range from 225 to 450
words for a video length of 90 to 180 seconds.
Client can also help us with their own customized
225 to 450 words script or they can instruct our
professional writers to deliver a script with a 4
to 5 day delivery timeframe. This will help you
spread the main rationale of your business.
Remember, the final approved script is the
foundation for your video.
5Storyboard Creation
Once the script is completed and approved, we
will create a visual storyboard. A series of
sketches that depict the content of each scene in
the video. Each visual storyboard frame includes
a written description indicating all the elements
in that particular scene. It's important that the
storyboard accurately captures all your desired
ideas, thoughts or concept, as it serves as the
basis of the video production process.
6Voiceover Recording
Once the storyboard and Script is finalized, the
voiceover will be recorded by a professional
voiceover artist. We recommend providing the
voiceover artist with explicit instructions
concerning tone, points of emphasis and any other
requirements you may have. It's important to
select a voiceover artist who can meet your
precise needs, as we cannot revise the finalized
recording. Expect a 4 to 5 day delivery timeframe
for your voiceover recording.
7Contact US
Animation Yogi
No - 63 (101), 4th Cross,
Amar Regency Layout
Bangalore - 560043, India
91 9945 5291 16