Title: Terry Hay of Hawaii_ An Intoduction
1Terry Hay of HawaiiAn Introduction
Terry Hay of Hawaii has a degree from the
University of California at Irvine, which
provided him the knowledge and the skill to
establish a successful career in the business
community. Terry is an educated and successful
business professional. He has also experienced
success both as an academic and as a business
owner. Terry was so successful in business that
he initially retired at the age of 40.
2Terry Hay of HawaiiAn Educated Man
Terry Hay of Hawaii received his economics degree
more than four decades ago, and continues to
exhort the benefits of a quality education. Terry
was a successful student at the University of
California at Irvine.
Terry appreciates the opportunities that a
quality education provides. During his student
tenure at Irvine, Terry has received a
high-quality education in business and economics
that has allowed hm to be so successful in the
business arena over the past few years.
3Terry Hay of HawaiiAn Early Retirement
Terry Hay of Hawaii's early business success
provided him with the opportunity to enter
retirement at the age of 40, though he soon
returned to the business community to create
another prosperous and profitable business
venture. Terry is a business savvy professional
with experience starting and running a successful
business. His business prowess allowed him to
quickly turn a small food distribution company
into a substantial success.
4Terry Hay of HawaiiAn Entrepreneur
Terry Hay of Hawaii has been successful because
of his indepth knowledge and understanding of the
business world, as well as his courteous and fair
nature when dealing with customers. He says that
his experienced success is due to his dedication
to the customer, which is second to none in the
industry. Terry is a professional businessman who
has been making quite a name for himself over the
last few years. Terry only hopes to continue his
success in the future. He opened the first
successful business in Hawaii.