Title: Domestic Helper Agency
1Domestic Helper Agency In Singapore
2A maid or housemaid or maid servant, is a female
person employed in domestic service. Although now
usually found only in the most wealthy of
households, in the Victorian era domestic service
was the second largest category of employment in
European countries, after agricultural work.
3Maids perform typical domestic chores such as
cooking, ironing, washing, cleaning the house,
grocery shopping, walking the family dog, and
taking care of children. In many places in some
poor countries, maids often take on the role of a
nurse in taking care of the elderly and people
with disabilities.
4Legislation in many countries makes certain
living conditions, working hours, or minimum
wages a requirement of domestic service.
Nevertheless, the work of a maid has always been
hard, involving a full day with extensive duties.
5A portal is a framework for integrating
information, people and processes across
organizational boundaries. Portals provide a
secure unified access point, often in the form of
a web-based user interface, and are designed to
aggregate and personalize information through
application-specific portal.
6One hallmark of portals is the de-centralized
content contribution and content management,
which keeps the information always updated.
Another distinguishing characteristic is that
they cater for customers, vendors and others
beyond an organization's boundaries.
7Housemaid.com.sg is a portal specially designed
and developed with maid agencies and house maids
in mind. The portal covers most of the
Singapores popular, reputed maid agencies that
are registered with the portal. The portal has a
database of over 1000 housemaids and its
registered agencies that are certified by the
ministry of manpower in Singapore.
8Housemaid agency portal has a huge database of
fresh Filipino maids, fresh Myanmar maids, fresh
Indonesian maids, fresh Indian maids, fresh Sri
Lankan maids, fresh Punjabi maids, fresh
Darjeeling maids, fresh Nepali maids, fresh
Mizoram maids, fresh Bangladeshi maids, fresh
Burmese maids in Singapore.
9To Order Find Out More Information On Domestic
Helper Agency Please Come And Visit Us Today
Housemaid Agency Pte Ltd Contact Us 10 Ubi
Crescent, 04-67, UBI Techpark, Singapore -
408564 Tel 65 6742 5044 Fax
65 6742 9044 Mobile 65 3151 0441 Email
sales_at_housemaid.com.sg Web http//www.housemai