10 Quick Tips for Removing Stains from Clothing | Strain Remover - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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10 Quick Tips for Removing Stains from Clothing | Strain Remover


Discover the easiest ways to remove strains from clothes. Stay with us for more how-to tips & tricks videos. There's dirt in your carpet, grease on your shirt, and juice on the couch? Try this out : www.tr.im/BestStrainRemover (I use it personally) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 10 Quick Tips for Removing Stains from Clothing | Strain Remover

10 Quick Tips for Removing Stains from Clothing
  • You're out to dinner, and you drop a
    sauce-covered fork on your white dress. You're
    playing outside and realize your knees are
    covered in grass stains. You're giving your
    sweetie a few extra kisses, but you
    get lipstick on his collar.
  • We spend so much time in our favorite clothes,
    it's impossible that we're never, ever going to
    mess them up. You never see stains coming, but
    they seem to have you targeted (like the grease
    that jumps right out of the pan onto your
  • Those seemingly impossible stains -- red
    wine, blood, tea -- aren't so tough when you
    attack them from the right angle. We've got 10
    tips and tricks for knocking those unwanted spots
    right off your fabrics.
  • What? You don't believe that we can help you get
    the ink out of your favorite jeans? Just watch
    this video to the END Enjoy

Emergency Spot Remover
You planned your outfit for tonight so well, but
you didn't have that in mind when you ordered
that red wine or tomato soup. If you spill
something on your clothes while you're out and
about, don't panic. Your night doesn't have to be
ruined as long as you have club soda
around. Used straight from the bottle, club soda
is a great emergency spot cleaner and stain
remover. Apply it with a clean, damp cloth. If
you're near a laundry machine -- say, a romantic
dinner at home? -- you can create a simple but
powerful stain remover by combining lemon juice
with cream of tartar. Wash it like normal, and
those marks you thought would be there forever
will be long gone.
Grass Stains
It's all fun and games when you're sliding into
third base at your annual family baseball game,
but your smile may fade when you see the grass
stain on your favorite pair of shorts. If you
cringe at the thought of your kids roughhousing
in the yard because of the work you'll have to
put into their clothes afterwards, worry no more.
Grass stains aren't as invincible as they
seem. Grass stains on clothes can be removed
with an old toothbrush and plain white
toothpaste just make sure you use a paste
variety and not a gel. Squeeze a small amount of
the toothpaste onto the stain, then dip the
toothbrush in clean water and use it to scrub
away the stain. Repeat this process as needed to
treat all of the stain(s). Rinse the area and
launder the clothing as usual. Now you can steal
home plate without a second thought.
Blood Stains
If you cut yourself, the last thing you're
thinking about is avoiding staining your clothes
-- you're focused on finding a bandage and
possibly on not fainting. Getting wounded is bad
enough you shouldn't have to slave for hours
trying to get the blood stain out of a shirt --
and now you don't have to. Just use our quick and
easy trick. To remove spots of blood from
clothing, use 3 percent hydrogen peroxide -- the
kind you find in the first-aid section of the
store. Soak the stain with the peroxide, use your
fingernail or the blade of a butter knife to help
loosen and scrape away the blood, then rinse it
away with more hydrogen peroxide. In most cases,
you'll have better luck removing stains --
especially blood stains -- if you treat them
immediately after they happen, before the stains
have a chance to dry.
Collar Stains
You don't need a special stain remover or laundry
pre-treater to banish a ring around the
collar. Whether it's on work shirts or Sunday
best, staining around the collar can be easily
vanquished with a touch of something you're
pretty much guaranteed to have in the house --
Shampoo. Just pour a little shampoo -- any
shampoo will do, even the inexpensive, generic
kind -- onto the collar, rub the collar together
to work the shampoo in well, and rinse
thoroughly. Then launder as usual. For a
convenient twist on this traditional tip, bring
home the complimentary bottles of shampoo from
hotels for a free package of ring-around-the-colla
r remover!
Lipstick Stains
If you've been kissing too much on your
sweetheart's collar, we've got just the laundry
trick for you! To remove lipstick from dark
fabrics, grab a piece of white bread and remove
the crust. You don't have to forgo a sandwich
you can use the heel of the loaf -- no one likes
that piece anyway. Wad up the soft center and rub
it gently on the stain until it picks up all of
the lipstick. Sweep away any leftover crumbs with
a clean, soft-bristled brush. If this seems all
too easy, put on your best shade and kiss away
after you go through a whole loaf (and all your
dark clothes), you'll see that it really does
Grease Spots
If clothing tends to be used as a napkin around
your house, you have your work cut out for you on
laundry day. With fried chicken as a favorite
dinner dish, you probably know how impossible
grease stains can be. Not only do they refuse to
come out, they also never seem to blend into the
fabric, so you can't just pretend they're not
there. Don't worry if this sounds like your
life, try this trick Sprinkle the spot with
Cornstarch. Allow the cornstarch to soak up the
grease for a few minutes, and then brush it away.
The grease spot will lift right out, and you can
get back to trying to convince everyone to use
napkins instead of their clothes.
Oil Stains
If you have unsightly stains on your pillowcase,
don't worry. Pillows often get stained by sweat
and natural body oils. Sometimes, simply tossing
them in the washer will do the trick and lift the
stain right out. But if you can only dream of
such an easy life -- if trying to get oil stains
off your bed is keeping you up all night --
listen up. Oily stains on pillowcases can be
removed with plain shampoo (just like oil in your
hair). It's that easy. Just pour some on the
stained areas, rub it in, rinse thoroughly and
launder the pillowcases as usual. Now you can
sleep safe and sound, knowing you'll be able to
get that stain out in the morning.
Ink Stains
If you've ever been naive enough to stick a
ballpoint pen in your pocket for safe keeping,
you probably learned there's nothing safe about
ink exploding all over your clothes. Don't give
up on those jeans yet --they may not be beyond
repair. If you get ink on a piece of clothing,
try soaking the ink mark with Rubbing alcohol and
wiping it away with a clean, white cloth. Another
old-fashioned remedy for removing ink marks from
clothes and other fabrics is to wet a sponge with
milk and rub the ink stain until it disappears.
Red Wine
You might love your glass of red wine, but not
once you spill it on your clothes! Try soaking
the stained area in water and then making a pouch
in the cloth where the wine stain is. Next, pour
cream of tartar into the pouched area. Tie the
ends of the pouch and then let the garment soak.
After soaking, dip it in and out of hot water and
then launder as usual. If the red wine stain is
fresh, soak up the spill by immediately
sprinkling it with baking soda. Next, as soon as
possible, stretch the stained fabric over a large
bowl or kettle, secure the fabric and pour
boiling water through the stain. Similarly, you
can use salt for this purpose by sprinkling it on
a spill immediately and letting it soak up the
stain. Afterward, soak the stained area in cold
water and then launder the garment as usual.
Tea Stains
If you have fabrics with tea stains, don't
despair. As long as you didn't burn yourself when
you spilt the mug, there's nothing to worry
about. The stain will come out if you give it a
little sugar. No, not love -- although a little
extra TLC never hurt anything -- but actual
sugar. Mix up a concoction of heavily sugared
water by stirring the water as you add sugar to
it. Keep adding sugar until it no longer
dissolves (warm water makes it easier for sugar
to dissolve). To remove tea stains from clothing
or table linens, submerge the stained area for
several minutes in a small container of the
heavily sugared water, then launder as
usual. See? No need to cry over spilt tea.
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