Title: Single Hung Windows Miami Dade
1Maintenance Tips How to clean Single Hung
Windows like a Pro
Single Hug Windows South Florida http//www.prostormprotection.com/single-hung-window Phone No (954) 200-8975
2Most people are caught unawares when they are
asked to point out the features of the single
hung windows. The single hung windows are
popular among the traditional home builders who
prefer it over the conventional double hung
windows. Single hung windows undergo evolution
every decade with changes in home designs and
concepts. As the world is moving towards total
Green Home Solution, the single hung windows
are just as important as the modern day Impact
windows and Impact front doors.
Single Hug Windows South Florida http//www.prostormprotection.com/single-hung-window Phone No (954) 200-8975
3What are single Hung Windows?
The single hung windows are the ones that have
only one edge of the frame attached to the sill.
Only the bottom part of the window opens. This
bottom part of the Single hung windows is called
the detached sash. When it comes to maintenance
and cleaning, the bottom sash of the single hung
window tilts in making it easy to spray it with
water and wipe off the dust and dirt.
Single Hug Windows South Florida http//www.prostormprotection.com/single-hung-window Phone No (954) 200-8975
4How is single hung window titled?
If you wish to clean your single hung window just
like a professional cleaner, heres how you can
do it without a fuss.
Step One Unlock the attachments on the windows
using bare hands. If the attachments are rusted,
wipe it with spirit and wait for the rust to get
soft. You can spray water or clean it with a
cloth. Step Two Grip the bottom sash with
hands and open it till halfway. Use gloves to
avoid blisters or glass shards from hurting your
Single Hug Windows South Florida http//www.prostormprotection.com/single-hung-window Phone No (954) 200-8975
5Step Three Locate the catch attachments and
slide the mechanism away from the frame. The
catch mechanism in the single hung window Miami
Dade is placed at the top of the sash for safety
reasons and for more support. Step Four Slope
the sash towards your body and wipe it with clean
cloth. Step Five Reinstall the bottom sash
by gently pushing the top of the sash into the
catch mechanism. The single hung window is
affixed when the catch holds the sash on both the
Single Hug Windows South Florida http//www.prostormprotection.com/single-hung-window Phone No (954) 200-8975
6Important points to be noted while cleaning
The single hung windows are provided with small
holes on the exterior portion of the window
frames. These are called the Weep homes. The weep
homes are provided so as to allow the rain water
and moisture accumulated on the single hung
window to drip away. Adjust your catch mechanism
so that the weep homes are open and not clogged
by dirt and rust.
Single Hug Windows South Florida http//www.prostormprotection.com/single-hung-window Phone No (954) 200-8975
7The single hung windows also have vent latches
like the Impact windows and impact front doors to
limit the opening of the windows up to a certain
height. The wedge-shaped latched used in the
single hung windows stop it from opening beyond
two and half inches of height in most cases. This
height can be adjusted.
Single Hug Windows South Florida http//www.prostormprotection.com/single-hung-window Phone No (954) 200-8975
8Get in touch
- Address
- 19909 SW 7th Place,
- Pembroke PinesFlorida, 33029
- Contact no
- (954) 200-8975
- Email address
- info_at_propertyshutters.com
- Website address
- http//www.prostormprotection.com/single-hung-wind