Title: The Technology behind Laser Hair Removal
1Laser Hair Removal Singapore
Technology Behind Laser Hair Removal
The laser hair removal treatment uses a
particular wavelength of pulsating beam of
light on the exact areas where hair needs to be
During any laser treatment, the light passes
through the skin directly and is absorbed by the
shaft and hair follicle.
2FDA Clearance
The use of permanent laser hair removal got its
FDA clearance in the mid-1998 and it has come a
long way since then.
In the initial stages of development, the normal
mode ruby lasers that were used during old times
were quite slow painful.
They were effective only on people with very
light skin and very dark hair.
3New Hair Removal Treatments
Todays laser is effective on all types of skin
and is completely safe. This procedure can now
provide permanent hair removal.
Dark hair on light coloured skin is best treated
by the laser treatment.
People who have very dark skin pigmentation are
more prone to laser treatment.
4Who Can Do Laser Hair Removal?
Laser treatment in Singapore can only done by a
physician. The physician needs to have proper
training, skills and expertise..
The physician must be certified and shouldhave
graduated from an accredited practice for laser.
The professional also be accurate on the
machines setting such as the needed wavelength
to be used and the duration.
5Want to Know More About This?
Call us at - 6563279700
E-Mail - cutis_at_cutislaserclinics.com
Website - www.cutislaserclinics.com
Cutis Laser Clinic in Singapore