Title: From ‘rags to riches’ of Denis Vincent
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2Denis Vincent is one man that many know in Canada
for his success stories. Surely there are many
rags to riches stories around the world, but
Denis and his passion for work probably remains
unparalleled in Canada.
3Denis started off as a sales person and worked
extensively for 10 years, before he was trained
as an airplane and helicopter pilot in 1996. He
then kicked-off the company - Heli Vincent inc,
which is specialized in airplane and helicopter
sales as well as dry leasing. Today, people know
him as Denis Vincent Helicopter Pilot and as an
individual involved in more than one business.
4Denis works extensively in real estate and labor
leasing, and his passion for real estate has lead
to many mergers and acquisitions. In fact, he
continues to inspire people to do better, which
is why his team works in all industries with the
same passion.
5For people who are starting out in any of these
industries, Denis is a true inspiration, and with
the kind of work he has planned for years ahead,
it only seems that there will be more good
stories worth hearing about him in years to come.
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