Title: Professional Photographer Dubai (1)
1 Alex Jeffries Photography Group
Professional Photographer Dubai
Alex Jeffries Photography Group provides
specialized corporate, interior, profile
pictures, food and hospitality photography and
video services in Dubai, UAE. Creative and
eye-catching images from experienced
2Alex Jeffries Photography Group- About Us
Alex Jeffries is a professional photographer
based in Dubai. With over twenty years experience
in creative industries, he leverages his
background in design and advertising to create
stunning and impactful images for global and
regional brands.
3Food and Hospitality
Alex Jeffries Photography Group provides reliable
and professional high-quality food photography
services in Dubai, UAE. Food photography is
crucial for restaurants and hotels. Having a
quality photographer to capture the essence of
the dish you are trying to promote can entice
people to come to your place. Choose your
Photographer wisely as having a good working
relationship will be the key.
4 Interiors Photography
Alex is an interior and architecture photographer
in Dubai. He took his training from Scott Hargis
in San Francisco and his group has been called by
Aedas, Dubai World Center, and Hacker Kitchens
for its photography services. Adobe regularly
invites Alex for its Photoshop training sessions
in U.A.E.
5Corporate Portraits
After working with the likes of American Express,
Merrill Lynch, Ernst Young, and Philips, Alex
Jefferies Photography Group (AJPG) is delighted
expands its services offerings to corporates in
Dubai. Connect to AJPG for unique personality
headshots that are in line with your companys
brand guidelines.
Be a professional corporate photographer with
Alex Jeffries Photography Group, the Dubai local
brand to have worked with Johnson Johnson,
Virgin Radio, Barclays Bank, and Kraft. Learn to
operate Carl Zeiss, Canon, Nikkor, Adobe
Premiere, DaVinci, and latest software.
7Profile Pictures
Impress your friends and colleagues with
professionally-created images on Facebook,
LinkedIn, and other social media. Spend 30-60
minute sessions with Alex Jeffries, the
photographer who has worked for Johnson
Johnson, Virgin Radio, Barclays Bank, and Kraft.
8AJPG - Contact Us
Contact Info Connect to us for professional,
head-turner images in Dubai from one of the
worlds highest-rated photographer. Physical
address Level 14 Boulevard Plaza, Tower One
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard Downtown
Dubai United Arab Emirates Phone number 971
50 248 9971 Email us alexj_at_alexjeffriesphotogra