Title: Prevent Foot Gangrene and Avoid Amputation
1How to Prevent Foot Gangrene and Avoid Amputation?
2- Diabetic foot gangrene remains a big problem and,
quite often, the main cause of amputation.Gangrene
results from the impaired blood supply to the
affected tissues. It comes in two major forms - Dry Gangrene, also known asmummification, most
commonly associated with diabetes and
atherosclerosis. - Wet Gangrene, also known asmoist gangrene, which
is a form of infected dry gangrene. - Foot gangrene is most common inolder people,
usually as a complication of poorly controlled
diabetes. Due to the nerve damage and loss of
sensation, there is a higher likelihood of foot
injuries going unnoticed, which can later lead to
an infection and, then, to gangrene.In difficult
to control cases, an amputation may be the only
treatment medically available.
3Prevent Gangrene and Avoid Foot Amputation Here
are some basic tips on how to prevent gangrene
and avoid foot amputation For Diabetic
Patients Check your feet regularly and look for
such symptoms as numbness, broken skin,
discolouration, swelling or pain. Avoid walking
barefoot and always wear dry and clean cotton
socks. Never use chemical preparations for
corns, calluses or ingrown toenails. Contact a
podiatrist for these problems, if any. Use warm
water and glycerine soap to wash your feet. Then
make sure they are dry, especially between the
toes. Always wear comfortable shoes that dont
squeeze or rub your feet.
4Other Recommendations Avoid smoking one of
the main causes of atherosclerosis limiting the
blood supplythe extremities your arms and legs.
Avoid eating unhealthy high-fat foods, such as
meat pies, hard cheese, sausages, cakes and
biscuits. Avoid drinking alcohol one of the
main causes of multiple health problems. Avoid
sedentary lifestyle, as the pandemic physical
inactivity is now seen as the 21st century
smoking. If you or someone you love, or hold
dear, suffers from gangrene and is facing an
amputation, don't give in, don't give up!
Contrary to the mainstream medicine, foot or leg
amputation - a debilitating and risky surgery as
a part of standard medical care can be avoided
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