Title: The Miami MLS for Condos
1About Fei Born in Taiwan, Fei Goldman lived her
teenage years in the Dominican Republic until she
moved to the United States to obtain her
college degree. Shortly thereafter, she
began her first real estate venture. Fei has
traveled throughout the world visiting
numerous countries, and living in many
cities. A repeat professional transferee and a
mother, Fei knows what it takes to move from
state to state and/or country to country, and she
understands the impact that relocating to a new
city has on a family. With these experiences,
she has also obtained a broad understanding
of international business, and has a wealth of
knowledge in diverse real estate transactions.
She enjoys helping her clients find their "Dream
Home" or locate their new business
property. Proficient in multiple languages,
Fei approaches her Realtor role with
enthusiasm and integrity. With a focus on
world-class customer service, she is committed to
making the transition of moving as smooth as
possible for everyone. Whether you are a buyer or
a seller, Fei Goldmans insight, savvy, and
tenacity will help you maximize your real estate
investment. Fei Fei Goldman
Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin Direct
954.805.7792 ffg_at_amazingfloridaproperty.com
For Rent
Fei Fei Goldman
Galleria International Realty 945 East Las Olas
Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Direct
954.805.7792 Fax 954.229.2223 E-Mail
ffg_at_amazingfloridaproperty.com www.amazingfloridap