Title: Education System in India
1Education System in India
2What is Education?
- Education is a form of learning in which
habits, skills, knowledge of a group of people is
transferred from one generation to another
generation through teaching or training.
Education frequently takes place under the
instruction of others, but may also be
3Why is India still a developing country and what
is stoppage it from being a developed country?
- Let me firstly informs you about certain
surprising facts. India has about 550 million
people below the age of 25 years out of which
only 11 are enrolled in tertiary institutions
compared to the world average of 23.There are
more than 15 education boards across the country.
While some of them are regional, the much
interesting ones are listed below
4Much Interesting Ones are Listed Below
- The NCERT - Apex Body for curriculum
- As far as school education is concerned, the
National Council of Educational Research and
Training takes care of all curriculum related
matters. Different schools in the country search
for technical assistance from this body.
5Much Interesting Ones are Listed Below
- State Government Boards
- This is the board under which the most
children in India get enrolled. Since 80 of the
schools in India is managed by the government,.
The Board of Secondary Education gets across
major states has achieved its purpose of
developing various systems.
6Much Interesting Ones are Listed Below
- CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education)
- Which falls under the purview of the Central
Government is a board of education for both
private and public schools in India.
7Much Interesting Ones are Listed Below
- ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary
Education) - The Council for the Indian School Certificate
Examinations Board is a private educational board
of education in India.It is a non governmental
8Much Interesting Ones are Listed Below
- NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling)
- Founded by the Government of India and the
Ministry for Human Resource Development in 1989,
National Institute of Schooling Board objectives
at providing quality education in rural areas in
an inexpensive manner.
9Much Interesting Ones are Listed Below
- Cambridge International Exams/IB
- International Baccalaureate or Cambridge
International Examinations proposed international
qualifications to students. This is a recent
phenomenon in various parts of the country and is
mostly offered by up market schools and the like.
10Much Interesting Ones are Listed Below
- Islamic Madrasah Schools
- These schools may be either controlled by the
state government, may be affiliated with the
Darul Uloom Deoband that is in the Sahranpur
District of Uttar Pradesh.
11Why Education Is Necessary
- Education is the only one thing which cannot
be taken any one. An educated person can
understand the right way he/she can do work and
get an opportunity in the world. An uneducated
person cannot understand the real objective of
12Why Education Is Necessary
- And also they cannot understand how doing the
work and get opportunities. They cannot
understand the modern period. They just only that
know we are a labor and we have to do work hard.
But the main thing is that the life is not for
liberty there are many things much than liberty.
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