Need of Vitamin D Supplement Europe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Need of Vitamin D Supplement Europe


Talking about Europe its surprising when recent research showing that 60 percent plus population of Europe is vitamin D deficient and suffering from after effects. Climate in Europe and lifestyle are two main factors that stop natural production of vitamin D from sun Exposure. So it’s essential for all of us to take Quality vitamin D3 supplement if we are not getting enough sun. Be careful while choose your D3 supplier coz many over the counter vitamin d includes 180% more vitamin D then there level. Greenvits is one of most trusted Online Vitamin and supplement Store in UK supplies Finest Quality Vitamin D3 to 28 Countries of Europe. Our Products are tested and manufactured as stated by FDA and GMP. Visit:- – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Need of Vitamin D Supplement Europe

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Vitamin D Metabolism
What May Vitamin D Improve?
  • -Improved bone health
  • -Increased absorption of calcium
  • -Reduced risk of falls and bone fractures
  • -Reduced coronary artery disease
  • -Improved muscular function
  • -Lowering of high blood pressure
  • -Improved blood sugar tolerance
  • -Improved nerve function
  • -Improved kidney function
  • -Reduced risk of 17 cancers
  • -Reduced influenza, cold infections, tuberculosis

Vitamin D Deficiency
Low Vitamin D Risks
  • Increased blood pressure - 2.4 times
  • High blood sugar - 2.5 times
  • Metabolic syndrome 4.0 times

Vitamin D and Bones
  • Vitamin D is important for people
    with osteoporosis. Studies show that calcium and
    vitamin D together can increase bone density in
    postmenopausal women. Vitamin D also helps with
    other disorders associated with weak bones, like

Vitamin D and the Heart
  • Low levels of vitamin D associated with increased
    risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality.
  • One study Low vitamin D risk increase of
  • Coronary Artery Disease - 45
  • Stroke - 78
  • Heart attack - 50
  • Death 77-100
  • 25-57 USA adults may be deficient

Vitamin D and Critical Illness
  • For critically ill patients in the hospital, low
    vitamin D levels have been found to be related to
  • Organ malfunction
  • Length of stay
  • Infection rates

Vitamin D and MS
Several studies have suggested that maintaining
adequate levels of vitamin D may have a
protective effect and lower the risk of
developing multiple sclerosis (MS). Other studies
suggest that for people who already have MS,
vitamin D may lessen the frequency and severity
of their symptoms. More research is needed to
assess these findings.
Is there any proof that vitamin D supplements can
prevent MS or keep symptoms of MS from
  • When a person has MS, his or her immune system
    attacks the coating that protects the nerve
    cells. Research suggests that a connection
    between vitamin D and MS could be tied to the
    positive effects vitamin D has on the immune
  • The link between vitamin D and MS is strengthened
    by the association between sunlight and the risk
    of MS. The farther away from the equator a person
    lives, the higher the risk of MS. Sunlight is the
    body's most efficient source for vitamin D
    suggesting that exposure to sunlight may offer
    protection from MS.

Vitamin D and Cancer Cure
  • Inverse correlation between incidence, mortality
    and or survival rates for many cancers including
    breast, colorectal, ovarian, and prostate
  • Emerging evidence that more than 17 cancers are
    likely to be vitamin D sensitive.
  • 1000 IU/day could reduce cancers 7 for men, 9
    for women in US.
  • 25(OH)D level of 52 ng/ml reduced breast cancer
    by 50
  • 60-80 ng/ml may be optimal for most individuals
  • 25(OH)D level increase from 29 to 39 reduced
    cancer risk by 60 after 4 years.

Vitamin D and the Lungs
  • Asthma Early studies indicate may reduce severe
    exacerbations, exercise induced
  • Lower respiratory tract infections are more
    frequent in those with low 25(OH)D levels.
  • 2000 IU Vitamin D abolished the seasonality of
    influenza and dramatically reduced the
    self-reported incidence.
  • Vitamin D reduces inflammation and viral

Vitamin D and Depression
  • Vitamin D may be primarily associated with
    cognitive domains other than memory , such as
    executive cognitive functions, depression,
    bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia.
  • Low 25(OH)D may be a risk factor for cognitive
    impairment (41-60).
  • Receptors for Vitamin D are present in brain
  • Increased Vitamin D may improve cognitive
    function in
  • patients with Alzheimer's

Pros and Cons Vitamin D From the SUN
  • 5-6 times more deaths from internal cancers
    related to low vitamin D levels than skin cancers
  • Regular moderate outdoor UV exposure increases
    survival of melanoma patients

Current Vitamin D Recommendations
  • Institute of Medicine recommendations
  • 400 IU infants 0 to 12 months
  • 600 IU age 1 70 years
  • 800 IU age above 70
  • 4000 IU upper limit
  • Endocrine Society's Clinical guidelines
  • 400 IU - 1000 IU infants 0 to 12 months
  • 600 IU 1000 IU age 1 18 years
  • 600 IU 2000 IU 19 - 70 years
  • 800 IU 2000 IU above 70
  • 1000 IU to 6 mo, 4000 IU over 8 yrs upper limit

Vitamin D Sources
  • The Sunshine Vitamin
  • Fortified foods
  • Typically supply 150 IU per day, but highly
  • (100 - 400 IU per day).
  • Supplements-Over-the-counter usually vitamin D3
  • Vitamin D3 is more than three times powerful
    than D2.

Vitamin D Sources
Why Euopeans Need Vitamin D
  • 70 percent of Europeans suffer from low vitamin D
    levels---Spanish Foundation for Science and
  • In recent years, there have been reports
    suggesting a high prevalence of low vitamin D
    intakes and vitamin D deficiency or inadequate
    vitamin D status in Europe.
  • European latitude and Climate resulting in
    inadequate sun exposure.

Why Euopeans Need Vitamin D
  • Lifestyle factors such as longer working hours
    indoors and less outdoor playtime for children
    may impact on achieving sufficient sun exposure
  • The importance of time spent outdoors was shown
    in a Swiss population study, where it was a
    significant predictor of low vitamin D levels in
    patients aged over 65 years

Vitamin D and sun exposurein Europe
Sunlight is not strong enough to trigger
synthesis of vitamin D in the skin from October
to March. Therefore, European population rely
on dietary vitamin D and body stores to maintain
a healthy vitamin D status, particularly during
the winter season
How Much Vitamin D is Needed?
  • The only way to know how much is needed is to
    test 25(OH)D.
  • Everyone should be tested!
  • Goal 25(OH)D between 60-80 ng/ml after a
    consistent intake level over 2 months.
  • 100 IU of vitamin D raises 25(OH)D about 1 ng/ml.

Greenvits is UK favorite Vitamin and Supplement
store Located in London at .We ships
to 28 countries of Europe with Low delivery cost
and no extra taxes plus free shipping facility
for order above 15. We have some Top seller
products in our inventory like Vitamin D3 50,000
IU,HTQ Omega-3 Fish Oil Vitamin D3 5,000IU.WE
sell only finest High quality Vitamins
manufactured according to FDA guidelines.
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We promise quality at your door steps.
Greenvits is famous Vitamin and supplement store
in UK, Serving entire Europe .We Sell products
having verification seals and manufactured under
FDA Guidelines. You can Buy Best Quality Vitamin
D3 supplement 5,000IU and HTQ Omega-3 Fish Oil
and other supplements from Greenvits.
Contact US
  • We are located at London Road, Stanmore,
  • HA7 4PA, United Kingdom
  • Website-http//
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