Title: metal ceilings supplier
1Access flooring supplier
- Access flooring manufacturers are adapting new
technologies in designing attractive aesthetic
flooring. Metalmatriex known for good access
flooring product and best dealing with clients.
2False flooring supplier
False Flooring Manufacturers provide elevated
flooring as per the requirements of the
customers. Best deal for Metal false flooring
manufacturers in Bangalore, India.
3Metal ceilings supplier
M.M.Metal Matriex known for its high quality
false ceiling, false flooring,metal cell ceiling
manufacturers and suppliers to various cities
like bangalore,Chennai,pune and Hyderabad,India
4Metal ceilings supplier in Bangalore, Chennai
- Metal Ceiling Manufacturers are offering very
competitive pricing for the customers and hence
are really affordable. Metal ceiling suppliers in
bangalore, India.
- Reliability and compatibility mingled with
quality and international standard has gained
trust and confidence of our customers. We have
become successful due to our customers
confidence, as it made us to be creative and
innovative to fulfill their needs and
requirements always prompting to provide unique
solutions to their specific requirements. We are
well known name in the field of manufacturing
industry to produce office furniture, false
ceilings, access floorings, school furniture,
restaurant furniture, significantly wherever
concealed electrical wiring and cable works is
necessary along with furnishing required specific
furniture arrangement. All our works are
comprehensive with ambience, aesthetics, with
extreme utility features. Extremely customized to
suit the concerned industry requirements are our
main specialty.
6 Mr. Mallikarjuna 91- 9845345099
Contact us M. M. METAL MATRIEX PVT. LTD.63,
Muniyappa Compound, Magadi Main Road,Opp.
Veeresh Theatre, Bangalore - 560079, Karnataka,