Title: Chicks Growth Tonic
Website http//anfotalnutritions.com/
- Contains
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B12
- D-Panthenol
- Niacinamide
- Choline Chloride
- L-lysine
- DL methionine
- Folic acid
- Aqueous base Q.S
Advantages 1.Effective prevention
against perosis muscular dystrophy. 2. Increase
general health disease resistance. 3. Ensures
relief from all kinds of stress. 4. Better egg
production in layers. 5. Enhances body weights in
broilers. 6. Improves the fertility and
hatchability in breeders.
Usage Administration Poultry-Per 100 birds-
5-7 days. Layers Chicks Growers
20ml Broilers Starters 20ml Finishers 30ml.
Breeders 40ml
Contact No 91-7834 95 24 54 91-9999
69 33 22 Email Id anfotalnutritions_at_gmail.co
Packing 1ltr, 5ltr
- Contains
- Calcium lactate
- Calcium gluconate
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin B12
Usage Administration Poultry 5-7 days Chicks
Growers 10-20ml/100 birds. Layers 20-25ml/
100 birds Starters 10-20ml/100 birds Finishers
25-50ml/ 100 birds.
Advantages 1. Helps prevent problems of thin
shells, rough and broken eggs. 2. Production
drops, rickets, osteomalacia, anaemia, Stunted
grouths, lameness, leg weakness, prolapse,
Cannabolism enhance. 3. Egg production. 4.
Grouth, body weight, health activeness.
Contact No 91-7834 95 24 54 91-9999
69 33 22 Email Id anfotalnutritions_at_gmail.com
Packing 1ltr, 5ltr
- Composition
- Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate
- Ammonium Chloride
- Vitamin C
- Cilosidine
- Halite
Usage Administration Regular Use 5-10ml in 10
lit of water Mild Infection 1-2ml/7kg of bird
weight Severe Infection 1-2ml/5 kg of bird
weight Chicks 1ml/20 chicks Or as directed by
Vetenarian/ Consultant .
Benefits For control of visceral gout, dissolves
sent out stones, restores functions of kidneys
prevents and control nephrosis and chicks
Contact No 91-7834 95 24 54 91-9999
69 33 22 Email Id anfotalnutritions_at_gmail.com
Packing 1ltr, 500 ml
- Composition
- A novel herbal preparations having
- Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Chitrak,
- Camellia Sinensis, Phyllanthus,
- Emblica, withania somnifera etc
- having properties to activate cells,
- Build immunity and release stress.
- Advantages
- Stimulates immunity development both humeral and
cell mediated. - Vaccination becomes more effective as birds
response increases. - Provides an antioxidant action to protect against
free radicals. - Improves the growths of birds and helps in better
egg productions. - De-Stresses and makes the birds comfortable.
- Increases survivals rates resulting in higher
productivity and profitability.
Usage Administration Per 100 birds /day/ 5-7
days. Chicks, growers broiler starters
3ml Layers Broiler finisher 5ml Breeders 7ml
Contact No 91-7834 95 24 54 91-9999
69 33 22 Email Id anfotalnutritions_at_gmail.com
Packing 1ltr
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