Title: The Beautiful Mind Foundation News - September 2015
1Sept 2015
The mission of The Beautiful M ind Foundation is
to dispel the stigma and shame of mental illness
so people will feel comfortable getting help
without feeling judged and ridiculed. We work to
empower people with mood and anxiety disorders
by increasing awareness we provide a stronger
opportunity for a full, meaningful life.
Treatment Strategies
Men Dont Repor t Depression as Often as Women
Does Your Child Have an Eating Disorder? You
Are Not Alone
thebeautifulmindfoundation.org Potomac Village -
It Takes a Village
2Men D on't Report
Trying to determine how many people are
affected by clinical depression i s
complicated by the fact that men under-
report instances of depression, according to the
National Institute of Mental Health.
- D epression as O ften as Women
- Health Risks of Hanging Tough
- Men comprise 75 to 80 percent of all suicides in
the United States, according to WebMD, and many
of these cases can be traced to the cause of
untreated depression.2 EveryDayHealth.com
reports that five major health risks that are
caused or aggravated by untreated depression3 - Cases of heart disease are more likely among
depressed people, and more depressed people die
after suffering heart attacks. - Depressed people often eat poorly and develop
adult-onset diabetes. - People are more likely to ignore symptoms of
other disorders when depressed. - Depressed people often become obese and face all
the health risks of being overweight. - Depression can worsen conditions like
osteoporosis by affecting calcium deposits, which
weakens bones. - Men have been conditioned to hang tough and
externalize their symptoms, which actually
increases the risks to their health instead of
providing relief. Instead of reporting their
symptoms of depression, men are more likely to
drink alcohol or self-medicate with drugs, behave
recklessly, get into fights or behave
aggressively toward their partners or families.
Even though women are 70 percent more
likely to become depressed, more than six
million men suffer from depression but
seldom get treated, according to Dr. Amit
Anand, the vice-chair of the Lerner College of
Medicines Center for Behavioral Health.1
Men suppress their feelings on many issues
because theyre expected to take risks,
provide for their families, fight wars and
never complain about physical problems and
mentalhealth issues.
Even though gender barriers are dropping, many
men view talking about their emotions,
stress and depression as weaknesses that
make them less worthy or masculine than whats
considered normal. Throughout history, men
have been encouraged to man up, bite the
bullet. and take one for the
team.Trying to determine how many people are
affected by clinical depression is complicated by
the fact that men under-report instances
of depression, according to the National
Institute of Mental Health.
Depressions Not Just a Womens Issue Both men
and women feel that symptoms of depression
include feeling loneliness, sadness and
hopelessness. While these feelings are common
especially among women men often show different
symptoms, sotheydontrecognizethesymptomsassignsof
Men Often Dont Recognize Depression
Symptoms Both men and women feel that symptoms of
depression include feeling loneliness,
sadness and hopelessness. While these
feelings are common especially among women
men often show different symptoms, so
they dont recognize the symptomsassignsofdepre
Even though women are 70 percent more
likely to become depressed, more than six
million men suffer from depression but
seldom get treated, according to Dr. Amit
Anand, the vice-chair of the Lerner College of
Medicines Center for Behavioral Health.1
3Symptoms of Depression Men and women might
display different symptoms of depression because
women tend to internalize their
feelings while men externalize them.
Women often cry for no apparent
reason, compensate by overeating and rehash
negative feelings of self- worth. Women are
also susceptible to cycles of depression, which
are based on changes in their bodies caused by
menstrual cycles, pregnancyandhormonalchanges. Men
tend to self-medicate, become obsessive about
sex, sports and exercise, attempt risky stunts
andengageinotherbehaviorsthatare considered
unsafe. The common symptoms of depression,
according to the National Institute of Mental
Health, include5
- Sleep disorders
- Feelings of sadness, anxiety and emptiness
- Loss of interest in normal activities
- Fatigue
- Feeling hopelessness
- Having difficulty concentrating and remembering
details - Changes in eating habits
- Experiencing body aches, cramps, headaches and
digestive upsets - Thinking about death and suicide
- Having trouble getting motivated for normal
activities - Losing interest in sex
Why Men Dont Recognize or Report Symptoms of
Men dont report their depression
symptoms because of masculine stoicism, cultural
pressures to take adversity in stride and
conditioning not to express their emotions.
However, even enlightened men may
consider depression to be a womens disorder
or not recognize the signs, which differ from
womens internalized soul-searching
symptoms. Therefore, men are less likely to
recognize depression or seek treatment if
they suspect they have the disorder.
The reasons for not getting treated are
Depressedmenoftencommitsuicide, take unnecessary
risks and bury their feelings in sports,
alcohol, drugs, television and excessive
sexual pursuits.
Cultural Gender Stereotypes In the United States
and many patriarchal cultures, expressing
emotion i s consideredafeminine trait.
Male Stoicism Men have been expected to
train hard for centuries for sports, warfare
and work by developingphysical
strengthandworking throughpainanddiscomfortstoical
Men can treat their depression in many ways that
include seeking professional therapy, joining
a support group, volunteering, exercising
regularly, eating well, getting enough sleep and
connecting with others socially.
Medications may help temporarily but dont
usually treat the underlying causes.
Men Ascribe Symptoms to Physical
Causes Men often work at demanding physical
jobs and feel that their symptoms are
caused by physical activities. Instead of
recognizing signs of depression, men
report back pain, sexual problems,
sleeping difficulties orheadaches.
Effects of Aging Men often view their symptoms as
normal signs of aging. Gaining weight,
getting fatigued more easily, developing aches
and pains and breaking bones when growing
older are viewed as consequences of age and
If anyone suspects that he, she or a friend shows
signs of depression, seek medical help
or encouragethepersontogetaphysicalexam.
Sexuality Depression and antidepressant
medications can affect sexual desire and
performance, which men dont like to discuss.
Its helpful to list all the symptoms before
seeing a medical or mental health professional
postpone making any life-changing decisions.
Building a strong social network for
support can help depression victims to
copewiththedisorder. Encourage anyone with
depression not to expect instant cures but
gradual improvements in mood each day. People
dont become depressed overnight, so they
shouldnt expect to get better withoutworkingonthe
Depression carries severe physical and
emotional risks, but the condition is
a treatable health disorder and not a sign of
weakness or femininity. Left untreated,
depression candestroy relationships and cause
heart attacks and other serious
Men Respond to Symptoms Differently than
Women Women with depression tend to develop
feelings of worthlessness and sadness while
men become aggressive, irritable or hostile.
Treatment Strategies
Over the last few decades, great strides have
been made in understanding and treating
schizophrenia. Hospitalizations are rarer and
briefer than they used to be, and improved
antipsychotic meds have made symptoms more
manageable. The public is better educated, too,
so people who have schizophrenia are less likely
to be stigmatized. Intelligent, likable and
highly creative people are diagnosed every
day. Although there is no cure, most people who
have the disorder respond well to treatment and
lead happy, productive lives.
Myths and Facts
completely unfounded. If untreated,
symptoms could progress to strange
behavior, delusions and hallucinations.
Emotional detachment could worsen to apathy
and catatonic states.
Risk Factors and Diagnosis Schizophrenia has
genetic roots rather than environmental
causes. If one parent has the disease, his
or her children have about a 13 percent chance
of developing it, too. If both parents have it,
the likelihood that their kids will is around 35
The Importance of Treatment Since the course
of the disease rapidly gains momentum, the
importance of early diagnosis and attention
cant be overstated. People with
untreated schizophrenia usually suffer
long-term unemployment or homelessness. Theyre
often plagued by drug addiction. Their
physical health declines. Their life
expectancy is ten to twenty years lower than that
of the general population, and suicide rates are
Onset is usually during the late teens or early
adulthood. About 75 percent of people who
have schizophrenia developed it between
ages 16 and 25 its much rarer in people over
age 30. It most commonly occurs along with
another mental disorder, such as anxiety or
depression, and abuse of drugs or alcohol can
trigger the first appearance of symptoms.
There are a number of misconceptions about
schizophrenia, largely because of the way its
been portrayed in the movies. The name
originated from two Greek words that mean
split and mind. This doesnt indicate a
splitti ng of the personality, but a disconnect
between fantasy and reality.
Since there is no medical test for
detecting schizophrenia, a psychiatrist will take
all your risk factors into consideration. Be
thorough when you report your physical condition
and mental health history, including that of
your family members. The doctor will also
rely heavily on your symptoms for an
accurate diagnosis, so write them down
before your consultation.
However, with therapy, medication and a strong
network of support, most patients cope well.
If youve noticed marked changes in your
thoughts or emotions, or if others have
expressed concerns about your behavior, read
on to learn about diagnosis and treatment.
People who suffer from schizophrenia have
trouble distinguishing what is real from what
is unreal. Their thinking is confused, and
they may subscribe to bizarre beliefs. They
tend to be fearful or paranoid, even when their
fears are
ouve been alive ong enough, you have
caused the incarceration in the first place. Its
a vicious, untenable cycle.
Yet, some progress is providing a glimmer
of hope. Several police departments have received
training in handling the mentally ill the
first responders may now arrive in plain clothes
and, more often than not, take the afflicted to
mental health facilities rather than jails.
Iprobably seen it a nameless
f y
stays. Lets face it the current state
of mental health care in the US is in crisis.
person wandering down the street,
Sure, one might think thats great, but can we
afford to treat mental illness at the community
level? The outcome of these new procedures is
clear for example, San Antonio recently saved
over 50 million dollars in the last five years
after they implemented a diversion
program including building and staffing
the public facilities.
screaming at people and things only he can see.
If you stuck around long enough, you probably saw
the police arrive and even though the man
has not harmed anyone, the officers begin
shouting orders at him he cannot
possibly understand.
The privatization of mental health care 30 years
ago created a mental health divide
Those who could afford care would receive
treatment, and Those who could not be
He is incapable of complying, so the
officers wrestle him to the ground and
arrest him. As if that wasnt enough, the man
cant afford bail, so he languishes in jail for
a month before his case is dropped.
In the end, so long as mental health care
is privatized, mental illness among the middle
class and poor will be punishable by law. The
myth that is treating the mentally ill
with community centers will hit taxpayers in
the wallet is simply false it has been proven
time and again in recent years that such
facilities actually save taxpayer money.
Today, most people who experience mental
health issues are largely ignored by the system
and often go untreated.
So what did we expect when someone begins
suffering from a mental health crisis? Sans
community programs, the police become our
first line of treatment for everything
from schizophrenic episodes to psychotic
breaks. In other words, what should be
treated as a medical crisis is now being treated
as a crime.
In America today, there are over a quarter
million inmates in prisons that have been
diagnosed with some form of mental illness.
Compare that to the 30,000 or so mentally ill
patients in American psychiatric facilities
if the disparity between the two
numbers is shocking to you, well it should be.
Thats why major cities like Los Angeles and New
York are organizing tasks forces to eliminate the
criminalization of mental illness. Plans
include enhanced training for the police and
establishing mental health community
centers that can provide comprehensive
treatment. While these plans will save
millions, it also saves some of societys
most vulnerable citizens from the current
systemic abuse of the poor and mentally ill.
And it goes downhill from there. Once the
mentally ill enter prison, they are often
neglected and abused by both the prison
staff and other inmates. The guards, who
are not trained to deal with a mental health
crisis, often see psychotic symptoms as
aggression or non-compliance.
The bottom line is that America has criminalized
mental illness.
A recently released film by Brave New Films
illustrates this crisis and is
attempting to raise awareness of the issue
and create a public dialog about treatment
options rather than prison
For more information, make certain to watch the
Brave New World film series
Criminalizing Mental Health. New episodes are
planned to be released weekly.
If they are treated in prison, medications
and therapy cease after release often
leading to the return of the symptoms that
6People with untreated schizophrenia usually
suffer long-term unemployment or homelessness.
you could harm yourself or others, and such
intensity is rare. Symptoms are usually arrested
and managed by antipsychotic drugs.
clergy can be valuable
Warning Signs Early signs of schizophrenia
include unusual tension or irritability, insomnia
and difficulty concentrating. As the
disease progresses, emotions are affected.
The following symptoms should be taken very
s o u r c e s o f
e n c o u r a g e m e n t . Support programs
in the mental health system will teach you
how to cope with symptoms that crop up
unexpectedly. Youll learn to monitor your
own medication and be alert to unwanted side
effects. Sometimes,
Antipsychotic drugs work by acting on certain
brain chemicals, mainly dopamine. This
feel-good chemical plays an important role
in your perception of pleasure. Its
also involved in thinking, learning,
motivation, judgment and deciding whats
important or meaningful.
- Social withdrawal Ÿ Dulled emotions Ÿ Lack of
motivation - Thoughts that jump rapidly from one topic to
another - Hearing or seeing things that arent there,
especially hearing voices inside your head - Strongly held beliefs or ideas that others find
unreasonable - Episodes of bizarre behavior that you
couldnt explain or were later embarrassed
Dopamine even keeps your motor skills sharp.
living in a group home during the adjustment
period is recommended.
However, when the dopamine system is overly
active and chemical levels are too high,
thinking can become disordered. Delusions or
hallucinations might result. Antipsychotic
drugs correct the imbalance, allowing you to
think clearly and have peace of mind.
You should also adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Nutrition, exercise and quality sleep
are excellent for your brain and body and keep
your meds working at top efficiency.
Recreational drugs and alcohol, on the other
hand, will negate the drugs effects and
most likely trigger psychotic episodes.
Bear in mind that these symptoms dont reflect on
your character. Schizophrenia is a disease,
just like diabetes and asthma.
Your doctor may have to try a few different meds
before hitti ng on the one thats best for you,
so frequent communication is
imperative. Support therapy is also advised.
Friends, family members, coworkers, teachers and
Living with schizophrenia is never easy,
but with proper care, you can take the reins.
Reach out for help today.
Arresting Schizophrenia You will only be
hospitalized if psychotic episodes are so
intense that
7II Depression.It's real. It's treatable.We can
TMS NeuroHealth Centers
8D o e sY our C h i ld Have an Eating
Disorder? You Are Not Alone!
Just How Did My Child Get an Eating Disorder?
Disbelief. Embarrassment. Anger. The verdict is
in your doctor is convinced your child has an
eating disorder. How exactly did this happen?
What did you do wrong?
The first, and most important, thing to disorders have the highest mortality rate often play a role in the disorder, other factors can
realize is that eating disorders are most of any mental disorder. act as a trigger or cause a much greater chance of
often caused by a confluence of factors manifestation.
social, genetic, and psychological that Temperament
fuse into a perfect storm and manifest If youve been a parent for any amount of Sociocultural Factors
in your child as an eating disorder. The time at all, you probably already realize that Peer pressure whether delivered in person or
next thing you need to understand is that every child is utterly unique. That being via social media can cause a child to desire a
it is highly unlikely that you caused (either said, science has uncovered several more acceptable body appearance. For example,
directly or indirectly) your childs eating personality traits that seem to be more consider the modern adolescent trend of posting
disorder. Rather, there were most likely prevalent in adolescents with eating pictures online to receive feedback.
several factors that contributed to the disorders. These traits include
diagnosis. Family Dynamics
Competitiveness, In the not-so-distant past, therapists were often
Even today, there is a tendency in society Easily influenced by punishments and trained to assess blame for a childs eating
to dismiss eating disorders as a relatively rewards, disorder on his or her parents. While science
harmless and temporary illness. Nothing Perfectionism, and today has largely discredited this notion, the
could be further from the truth Often displays impulsive behavior. family can play an important role in the recovery
consider, for example process by becoming a source of empowerment
Of course, just the presence of these traits and emotional support.
Almost half of people with diagnosed do not always foreshadow an eating
with eating disorders meet the disorder in the future but some or all of In the end, its important to understand the
criteria for clinical depression. these traits are often found in those source of the eating disorder is almost irrelevant
Less than 10 of people with eating afflicted. rather, parents should focus on identifying the
disorders receive treatment. And of problem and seeking professional help.
those that receive treatment, less Genetics
than a third receive holistic in-patient Recent studies have confirmed that While understanding the symptoms and causes
treatment. individuals with a family history of eating of your childs eating disorder will not stop the
In 2014, there were over 30 million disorders are 8-12 times more likely to self-destructive nature of the disease, it will help
people of all ages and genders develop one themselves in other words, you work with your doctor, nutritionist, and
diagnosed with an eating disorder in eating disorders are often inherited. therapist more effectively.
the U.S.
Finally, and most importantly, eating Keep in mind, however, that while genetics
9The Bigg est Misconception a bout Bipola
r Disorde r
t The Beautiful Mind Foundation,
disorder causes rapid and dramatic mood
changes in the course of a single
day. Nothing could be further from the truth in
fact, the vast majority of bipolar disorder
sufferers experience mood swings over
weeks, not hours.
irritable the rest of the day. Or
conversely sometimes you wake up cranky, and
something good happens perhaps you receive a
gift. Your mood quickly improves, but you
often feel like you are on an emotional roller
we believe today there is a great
deal of misconceptions, half-
truths, and outright rumors circulating
regarding bipolar disorder. A recent study
released the National Alliance on Mental Illness
(NAMI) showed a great
This type of unstable mood condition can
have a disastrous effect on almost all facets
of a patients life and is often diagnosed as a
personality disorder.
deal of new psychiatric patients believe
they have bipolar disorder, only later to
be diagnosed with something completely
different. So, lets talk about
So if you are experiencing rapid mood changes
in the course of a day, and they can be linked to
stressors, you probably do not have bipolar
the biggest misconception about bipolar disorder.
Personality disorders are chronic and consistent
patterns of uncontrollable behavior and
So if you are experiencing rapid mood
changes in the course of a day, and they can be
linked to stressors, you probably do not have
bipolar disorder. The next question to ask
yourself is if your mood swings are
impairing your ability to work and
the quality of your relationships.
To be fair, psychiatrists have a tough job
properly diagnosing many personality
disorders because they often manifest with
similar symptoms. Accurate diagnosis is
key, however because treatments vary
widely across the spectrum of mental
On the other hand, bipolar disorder is more often
associated with distinct periods of
irritable or elevated moods that can last
several days or weeks.
In the end, we believe strongly as a society we
should have as much compassion and empathy for
someone with a mental illness as we do for
someone with a physical illness or disability.
If so, lets break down a typical day for you to
see if it resonates You wake up feeling great
but then someone cuts you off on the
freeway, and you are
The most common misconception is patients
who believe that bipolar
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11The Deadly Synergy Between Depression and Suicide
Revening. It was hard to know how
yan watched warily as his mother
But this wasnt the worst part of his
day. Earlier, his girlfriend had admitted
to cheating with one of his friends.
Also hanging over him was his latest report
card he was failing in several of his classes.
But so what? They had no money, so no chance of
college anyway.
this park baseball, football, summer barbecues
it all seemed so long ago now and just thinking
about it hurt. He sat down at a bench overlooking
a pond and took the gun out of his
pants. He studied the revolver intently,
stroking the barrel and feeling a tear welling up
in his eye.
finished her last drink of the
this time of day would play out would
she start screaming and yelling at him or simply
trudge upstairs and sleep it off? Her
drinking had always been a problem but had
gotten much worse since the divorce.
Ryan is not alone this scene, or one like it,
plays out every 15 minutes in America. Consider
Ryan had begun to worry if life was worth the
trouble. He was utterly exhausted and worn out
at the age of sixteen, and wondered
what it would be like to just check out. Would
anybody care?
Swaying, she got up from her chair and woozily
made her way to her bedroom. To Ryan, this was
becoming a nightly ritual sometimes she
might stumble, and he would rush to help her
back up. Tonight, thankfully, he heard her fall
into her bed, probably asleep before her head hit
the pillow.
- Nearly 30,000 Americans commit suicide
every year. - In the U.S., suicide rates are highest
during the spring. - Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15
to 24-year-olds and 2nd for 24 to 35-year-
olds. - Each suicide intimately affects at least
six other people.
Ryan picked himself up from his chair and walked
over to his moms laptop. He sent an email to his
ex-girlfriend and his mom and said goodbye.
Day by day, he felt his life slipping away it
felt as if the world was sucking the life right
out of him. He felt broken and alone.
He walked out to the garage and reached into his
dads old toolbox. He pulled out a small
revolver his dad kept there it was
supposed to be a secret, but Ryan had
known about it since he was twelve. He took the
gun and placed it in the pocket of his slacks.
So there it is the cold, hard facts about
suicide. Depression is the primary driver of
suicides in America. The sad truth of the
matter is that you or someone you know has likely
been affected by depression and suicide.
It wasnt always like this. Before the
divorce, his mom held a steady job and managed
to take care of everything at home. Since
the divorce, however, she had turned to the
bottle. She had trouble keeping a job as
result, and was just terminated today from her
latest gig.
If you know someone who is walking the
dark road, or if you are personally
struggling with depression, dont give up hope.
Get professional help as soon as possible.
Ryan exited the garage and headed to the
neighborhood park. He tried to remember all the
good times he had with his father in
Can Help Prevent Depression
epression is a serious mental
Stanley Safety plan has proven itself as an
effective suicide prevention tool. It
is currently used in many large depression and
suicide prevention initiatives, including
networks and rely on a specific set of self-care
practices. Still, if you arent feeling
better, the plan can also help you connect with
a crisis center or mental health professionals in
your area.
illness and can be debilitating for
those who suffer from it. In this
article, we will provide 4
specially created steps of planning with aim to
prevent depression.
Veterans Health Administration, State
This version of the plan focuses on your emotions
with the goal of preventing you from
entering into a full-blown depressive episode.
First, Recognize the Symptoms of
Depression Begin by documenting your moods
prior to a depressive episode and
also include any situational triggers that
precede or may even cause your episodes.
For example, are you sleeping more or less?
Are you less interested in your friends and
family? Next, list your coping strategies
what can you do to avoid feeling depressed? Some
people find running or long walks can ease
their moods, others like to treat themselves to
something like manicure, pedicure, or makeover.
Dont worry if your strategies are superficial
if it makes you feel better, its probably worth
Mental Health Systems (including NY and
Georgia), Military Behavioral Health
Systems, Crisis Hotlines Hospital Emergency
Departments, College Counseling Centers, High
School Counseling Outpatient Clinics and
Private Practices.
You may not feel like it, but forcing yourself to
socialize with other people will probably lift
your spirits. So go for it pack your
calendar with activities with friends and
family. Lets face it sometimes there is no
cause or trigger for a depressive episode. A
busy social life can distract you from your
symptoms and may help keep your episode at bay.
While therapy and drugs can help the
majority of those with the illness,
monitoring and planning for depressive
episodes can also help maintain a more healthy
Can you prevent an episode from
occurring? Much depends on the severity of your
case, but for many, the answer is an
unqualified yes. Having a plan that
helps you recognize your early symptoms and
engages your coping skills can often prevent
the onset of a depressive episode.
The plan is progressive and encourages
participants to lean on their support
Next, dont put off calling in the
experts. List the names of your mental
health professionals your doctors and
therapists, along with your pharmacist. Also,
remember to include the number for the
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
How to Create Your Depression Prevention Plan
Finally, dont forget to share your plan with
your family and trusted friends youll
appreciate their support and guidance when
you need it the most.
While there are many good preventions
plans today, the Gregory Brown and
Nobody likes to be caught obsessing over negative
thoughts and emotions. After all, doesnt our
society constantly remind us how happiness is our
ultimate goal?
Still, coping with a spiral of negative
thoughts can harm even mentally healthy people
emotionally. When it happens to someone with
a mental illness, the results can be
devastating. In the article, we will explain how
to deal with painful thoughts and emotions with
you feel safe perhaps a favorite chair or sofa,
or even in the bathroom. Next, turn on some
relaxing music and try closing your eyes.
Notice your environment what
temperature is it? What do you hear? What colors
are present?
remember the feeling of ease, and it will make
you feel safe enough to explore some of
your negativity and confusion.
Create a collage of your feelings and thoughts.
You probably did something similar back
in school page through magazines
and newspapers and find images that express
your emotions. Today you can also use Googles
image search. Print or tear the images out
and glue them to a piece of paper. When
its complete, journal or blog about the images
you selected. What are they trying to tell you?
So what are the best techniques for
coping with negative thoughts and
emotions? Most of us learned at a very early age
that crying and getting angry is simply not
acceptable. Once again, our society often
seems to be laser-focused on happiness, while
other emotions, like sadness, anger, and
confusion are often stigmatized. What can we
do to best deal with negative thoughts
and emotions?
Next, take a picture of your space and keep it
handy perhaps use it as the wallpaper on your
phone. When you see it, you will
Practice a symbolic release.
In this exercise, youll enter your safe place
and write down the things that are bothering you
on strips of colored paper. Once complete, cut
out each item and place within a jar. Take a
second to look at the paper in the jar, and then
burn or bury them. Yes, its symbolic but it
First recognize that these emotions are part
of the normal human experience. Dealing
with them honestly and effectively requires a
set of healthy techniques to help you
successfully navigate the range of your emotions.
In the end, its very important to process and
understand our emotions.
While some of the activities below may seem
simplistic, its important to keep in mind
that they are designed to identify and deal
with the root causes of your negative
feelings. Talking about your feelings can
certainly help, but these exercises engage
you at a more rational part of your mind
a deeper expression, in other words.
If these exercises feel too small and narrow to
process your feelings, try working with a
therapist who integrates art into their
therapy. This type of therapy is p a r t i c
u l a r l y effective because it provides a safe
and creative backdrop w i t h w h i c h t
o e x p l o r e y o u r feelings.
First, find your safe place. This could be
any quiet place in your home that
14Low Tech Al t er n at iv es To An t i d epr essan
t s
Even if you don't take antidepressants, effects can be discouraging. over 60 of respondents reported mood
chances are you know someone who elevation after 25-30 minutes of moderate
does. A recent study revealed that 18 of So - if you're not willing to deal with the side activity like walking or gardening.
all adults take a least one antidepressant - effects, or if antidepressants just don't work
a 90 increase in the last decade. for you, consider the following low-tech Spend some time in the sun
ways of dealing with your depression In recent years, sunshine has gotten a bad rap.
Depression is one of the most common While there are certainly risks to prolonged
forms of mental illness and is the largest Try roseroot herb exposure, moderate exposure helps your brain
single cause of suicide in America. A recent study at the University of regulate melatonin and serotonin. A recent study
Antidepressant usage is rising as more Pennsylvania proved the effectiveness of also found that the Vitamin D absorbed by your
people are acknowledging their disorder Rhodiola rosea (roseroot). Besides being skin from the sun reduced depressive symptoms
and turning to medication for treatment. proven as effective as mainstream by 20.
antidepressants, roseroot also produced far
Just a few years ago, mental health fewer side effects. If you are struggling with your moods and
experts uniformly believed that wondering if you are clinically depressed, start by
depression was rooted in a chemical Practice mindfulness taking a free self-assessment at Mental Health
imbalance in the brain. Today, experts are Mindfulness is all about rewiring your brain America
taking a more holistic approach - the and making it less reactive to negative
prevailing theory proposes that stimulus. It's also the basis of mindfulness- http//www.mentalhealthamerica.net/mental-
depression is caused by several factors, based cognitive therapy (MBCT), which was health-screen/patient-health
including nerve problems, life events, re c e nt l y p ro ve n a s effe c t i ve a s
genetics, and underlying medical antidepressants in a two-year study in the Next, be brutally honest and ask your friends for
conditions. United Kingdom. their opinions. If you've shown signs of
depression, it's very likely they've noticed - but
Antidepressants are now backed by Get out there maybe have not said anything.
decades of research and usage, and can Study after study has proven a link between
unquestionably bring some patients out depression and physical activity the more Finally, spend some time with your family doctor.
of severe depression. That being said, physical you are, the less likely you are to You may be referred to a psychiatrist and therapy
antidepressants simply don't work for becoming depressed. A recent study by the - either way, this is your first step.
everyone, and the high incidence of side University of Toronto reinforced this idea
15City Living May Be Harming Your Mental Health
Looks like the old adage about sm all town
life m ight have a grain of truth in it .
According to a recen t study by Stanford
University, people who live in urb an areas are
far m ore likely to suffer from chronic m ental
illness - particularly depression. The good new
s? The study also found the antidote get out of
your office and take a walk in the park. The
researcher s found that walking in a
nature sett ing reduces neg ative though t
cycles and other obsessive though ts that
play into depression and anx iety disorders. In
the study , researcher s asked 40 m
en and wom en to answer questions to
ascertain their tendenc y toward
obsessive though t patt erns. Next they
underwen t brain scans targeting a particular
region of the brain that is active dur ing
this type of thinking. Finally, the
participants next t rekked out on a 90 -m
inute walk either in an urb an area or a
nature park. After the walk, those who
walked in the nature sett ing underwen t
another brain scan and reveale d a m arked
decrease in obsessive though ts. Those who
walked in urb an areas, however, experience d no
change in their though t patt erns. The finding
s, therefor e, sugge st a direct link betw een
spending t im e in nature and m ental
health. For those of you who live in urb
an areas, the study indicated that spending
just a couple of hours each week in the park can
im prove your well-bein g. Another recen t
British study concluded that sim ply walking
through green spaces can put your m ind into a
light state of m editation. The issue is
likely to affec t m ore people in the near
future. More than 50 of the world' s
population lives in cities today, but by
2050 that num ber is expected to increase to
70 . As parks and other natural areas
within urb an areas continue to be reduced
or closed, m any people will have litt le or no
contact with nature. Do you spend enou gh t
im e in nature? Do you think it im proves
your overall m ental health?
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energy systems resulting in a healthier body. The
program starts with a NES scan (a body field
assessment) which is safe, simple,
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reports over 150 factors about your health
including nutritional, emotional and
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