Title: Tooth Colored Fillings
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Prestonwood Dental
2Tooth Colored Fillings
3Tooth Colored Fillings
For a beautiful, whiter smile, try the 1-hour
In-Office Zoom teeth whitening procedure under
the supervision of Dallas Tooth Whitening
Dentist, Dr. Daftary, or with at-home kits with
custom made splints in the comfort of your own
home. Whitening is most effective for teeth that
have become discolored due to yellowing from age,
tobacco, red wine, coffee or tea.
4Tooth Colored Fillings
In-Office Whitening System is a revolutionary
tooth whitening procedure. It is enamel-safe,
effective and fast. very fast. In just a little
over an hour, your teeth will be dramatically
whiter. Zoom! Whitening is ideal for anyone
looking for immediate results. The convenience of
Zoom! in comparison to days of wearing trays and
gradual whitening makes it the perfect choice for
the busy individual.
5Tooth Colored Fillings
Contact Us
Shweta G. Daftary, DDS Preston wood Dental 6009
Beltline Rd., Ste 100Dallas, TX 75254 Tel -
(972) 239-1998Fax - (972) 239-8899 Emer - (972)
897-8030 http//prestonwooddental.com/