Title: Best private detectives in Delhi
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2About Us
- FIDA offers the scientific and professional
investigation services to its clients, with its
experienced team of detectives, who use latest
equipment and technologies to get to the truth.
We believe in giving verified results to the
people, in order to vanish any kind of dilemma
they have.
3Services we offer
- Corporate Investigation
- Financial Fraud Investigation
- Competitor Investigation
- Employment Verification
- Labor cases Detective
4- Personal Investigation
- Pre and Post Matrimonial Investigation
- Skip tracing / Missing People
- Adultery
5In this changing lifestyle, the need of having a
background check of the person, with whom you are
going to get married is very crucial. Keeping
this is mind, we offer Pre and Post matrimonial
investigation to the people, so that they will be
blindly assured about their would be.
6It also includes knowing the family status and
employment details of the person. The same check
applies for those who are having issues and
doubts in their married life, like some extra
relationship with someone, or closeness with
7Corporates also follow investigation of the
employers, so as to minimize the risk of any kind
of the financial fraud. Also, people use to put
wrong details about their past employer and
salary structure. So it is better to have a
verification check to keep your organization safe
and secure.
8So we offer Pre and Post employment verification
to the businesses in order to keep their balance
9Come to us if you want to start a crystal clear
relationship. We guarantee to trace out all the
hidden stories and present you the reality with
verified results.
10Reach Us AtFirst Indian Detective
AgencyVatika Business Centre,New Delhi
AirportExpress Line,Bhavbhuti Marg,Connaught
Place,New Delhi-01 Phone 011 23660132