Title: Headaches caused by mold
2Mold and mycotoxins can contribute to headaches
in a number of ways. First, it is well documented
that several mycotoxins directly damage the
central nervous system. In fact, one of the most
powerful biological weapons on earth is a class
of mycotoxins called the T-2 mycotoxins.
3They target the part of the body that most
directly contributes to pain and inflammation.
Second, all of us know that musty mold odor,
right? The smell comes from chemicals called
Volatile Organic Compounds, (or VOCs).
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5The Environmental Protection Agency lists
headaches (and dizziness, fatigue, and nausea) as
health effects from exposure to VOCs. A
lesser-known effect of mold is that it can be
dehydrating to the body. When the body is
depleted of hydration, skin can crack, rashes
form, and new points of entry for more fungus is
created. This simple dehydration can contribute
to chronic headaches.
6Sinus headaches are the result of sinus
congestion creating pressure in the head.
Inflamed sinuses swell and press on the eyes, the
ear and upper-teeth, leading to sinus headaches.
Once the pressure is alleviated, the headaches
subside. Someone with an allergy to mold and
mildew will experience similar symptoms every
time he or she is exposed to the substance.
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8Congestion symptoms include nasal blockage, sinus
pain and postnasal drip. Sinus headaches feel
like a dull, throbbing pain in the forehead, and
are commonly misdiagnosed and are actually a
migraine headache. Talk with a doctor for a
proper diagnosis.
9Identifying the mold issue is the first step
prior to hiring a professional, licensed and
insured remediation contractor. There are several
types of remediation, which is based solely on
the surface that is contaminated.
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11Attempting to remediate the mold on your own, can
lead to more adverse health effects and
potentially cross contamination.
12For more information, visit our website
at Biowashing.com
13Thank You