Title: Salvatore Taddeo - Businessman from New Jersey
1Salvatore Taddeo Businessman from New Jersey
Salvatore Taddeo is a businessman based in
Rumson, New Jersey. Through hard work and
determination, he was able to become the owner of
two local businesses His first business being
Salle Figs, which grows and sells thousands of
rare exotic fig trees, and his second business
being Salangi Enterprises, which is a
construction project management and consulting
firm for real estate.
2Salvatore Taddeo Owner of Sallee Figs
Salvatore Taddeo is a businessman currently
living in Rumson, New Jersey. He is the President
and CEO of Sallee Figs, which is a fig tree
company that grows and sells several varieties of
rare exotic fig trees throughout the region.
In recent years, the love of figs has only grown,
and his company is able to provide suppliers all
over with the necessary amount of fig trees to
provide figs for their local communities.
3Salvatore Taddeo Owner of Salangi Enterprises
Salvatore Taddeo is the President and CEO of
Salangi Enterprises, which is a construction,
project management, and consulting firm. The
company also specializes in real estate and
facility operations. Through the expansion of his
company in New Jersey, he has been able to
provide several jobs and help stimulate the
He is always looking for ways to give back to the
community that has given so much to him.
4Salvatore Taddeo Volunteer
Salvatore Taddeo is a businessman located in
Rumson, New Jersey, who cares deeply about his
local community. He not only runs two successful
businesses, but also regularly volunteers at the
local JBJ Soul Kitchen.
The JBJ Soul Kitchen is part of the Jon Bon Jovi
Soul Foundation and provides services and meals
to the community members in need throughout New
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