Title: Where to Get Trademark Registration Services? (1)
1Intellilocus IP Services
Address- 53/6, 3rd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar
Delhi Ph- 9871135752 Email- info_at_intellilocus.co
2What is A Trademark?
- Trademark is a sign or symbol or word that
helps distinguishing the business goods or
services from other traders products and
services. It is represented in the graphical form
of logo, label, word, device or signature. It
lasts for an indefinite period as long is renewal
fees is paid and can be renewed at interval of 10
years, unless modified or altered by the
authorized resources.
Address- 53/6, 3rd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar
Delhi Ph- 9871135752 Email- info_at_intellilocus.co
3Why opt for Trademark Registration?
- Trademark registration allows protecting
the brand or products and restraining other
individuals and organizations from using your
protected trademark for commercial or beneficial
Address- 53/6, 3rd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar
Delhi Ph- 9871135752 Email- info_at_intellilocus.co
4Where to Get Trademark Registered?
- Trademark Registration Services are offered
to protect the trademark against unauthorized use
as well as violation of associated rights.
Trademark Registration is vital to safeguard the
business from unfavorable circumstances. A
trademark is registered at Trademark registry.
These services can be availed from Intellilocus
IP Services.
Address- 53/6, 3rd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar
Delhi Ph- 9871135752 Email- info_at_intellilocus.co
5Why Intellilocus IP Services?
- Intellilocus IP Services offers exclusive
Trademark Registration services to the clients in
India as well as across the continents. The firm
possesses - Expert professionals with thorough knowledge of
Trademark laws - Assists International clients with Trademark
filing services - Speedy Trademark Registration within a stipulated
time frame
Address- 53/6, 3rd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar
Delhi Ph- 9871135752 Email- info_at_intellilocus.co
6Other Services being Offered by Intellilocus IP
- Apart from Trademark registration services,
Intellilocus IP Services offers an extensive
package of IP solutions such as - Patent search, analytics and maintenance
- Patent drafting, filing, illustration and
prosecution - GI, Copyright Design registration
- Paralegal support
Address- 53/6, 3rd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar
Delhi Ph- 9871135752 Email- info_at_intellilocus.co
- Address- 53/6, 3rd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar
- Delhi
- Ph- 9871135752
- Email- info_at_intellilocus.com
- Web- www.intellilocus.com/trademarks.html
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