Title: How To Live Forever - Almost
1 How To Live
Forever Almost
It would be great,
wouldn't it? Being able to live forever?
Knowing that no matter how long it
takes for the next greatest
to be made by mankind you'd be around to
experience the wonder of it?
Suppose for example you'd been born
just 150 years ago. What
do you think
the high points of your life might be?
2 Sure there would be the first kiss and
all the unique personal
that no one else can fully share that we'll
remember until the day we die.
But then there are the sharable
moments too. The ones that we
can all
experience together. The discoveries that remind
us that
we belong to an incredible
species that has scarcely begun its
ages of exploration and discovery.
Imagine being able to take a walk
through the 1893 World Fair
at night
and see the newly invented Tesla alternating
power sources declaring their
imminent victory in the race to
light the world.
being able to attend the first "air shows" where
eccentric but visionary inventors
forced their flying machines off
the ground in a risky but
glory-promising bid to finally attain
manned flight.
being alive when newspapers sounded the amazing
triumph of an unknown scientist named
Einstein who had
correctly predicted
the crazy ability of the sun to bend rays of
starlight in a universe that warped
and buckled because, as it
turns out,
mass and energy are equivalent and space and time
are different manifestations of the
very same thing.
Maybe you were alive
when Neil Armstrong set foot on the
moon and became the first man to walk
on another world...
Wouldn't you like
to be alive when the next one is Mars? When
we finally bridge the gap between
planets for the first time?
I know
Carolyn Hansen would. She is a health and fitness
professional who thinks a lot about
what it takes to get the most
out of a
life span. Your life span, if she has any say in
3 Carolyn recently came out with a new
product she calls
"Reclaim Your
Longevity" and to help you get an idea of what it
is about, and how it can benefit you,
she is giving away an
eBook of hers
called "Switch Off The Aging Process Within
So if you're at all
concerned with where you want to be 30 years
from now, 40 years from now, or
longer, I highly recommend
out the book. It's free right now for people who
need to be sold on the idea that
living as long as you possibly
might not be such a bad idea if you can swing it
Click here for your copy of "Switch
Off The Aging Process
Within You"
And hey, if Mars isn't your thing...
Wouldn't you at least want to
around until they've introduced that flying car
you always
see in the old sci-fi
That's what I'm holding out
for. That and non-fattening donuts.