Title: CIS 321 Slingshot Academy /snaptutorial.com
1 CIS 321 Slingshot Academy snaptutorial
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2 CIS 321 Slingshot Academy snaptutorial
CIS 321 Week 1 iLab 1 Milestone 1
CIS 321 Entire Course Week 1-7 All iLabs
Request for System Services Form Problem
Statement Matrix Form
CIS 321 Week 1 iLab 1 Milestone 1 CIS 321 Week 2
iLab Milestone 2 CIS 321 Week 3 iLab Milestone
3 CIS 321 Week 4 iLab Milestone 4 CIS321 Week 5
iLab 5 Milestone CIS 321 Week 6 iLab 6 Milestone
5 CIS 321 Week 7 iLab 7 Milestone
3 CIS 321 Slingshot Academy snaptutorial
CIS 321 Week 3 iLab Milestone 3
CIS 321 Week 2 iLab Milestone 2
CIS 321 Week 2 iLab Milestone 2 CIS321 Week 2 -
Milestone 2 Cause and Effect Analysis System
Improvement Objectives
CIS 321 Week 3 iLab Milestone 3 CIS321 Week 3 -
Milestone 3 Use-Case Glossary Use-Case Model
Diagram Use-Case Narrative for the Check-Out Use
4 CIS 321 Slingshot Academy snaptutorial
CIS 321 Week 5 iLab 5 Milestone
CIS 321 Week 4 iLab Milestone 4
CIS321 Week 4 - Milestone 4 Part 1 Output from
Visio Tutorial Fully Attributed Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD) Entity Definition
CIS 321 Week 5 iLab 5 Milestone 4 Part 2
Milestone 5 Part 1
5 CIS 321 Slingshot Academy snaptutorial
CIS 321 Week 7 iLab 7 Milestone
CIS 321 Week 6 iLab 6 Milestone 5
CIS321 Week 6 - Milestone 5 Part 2 Event
Decomposition Diagram for the ECS Event Diagram
for Check-Out Equipment Event System Level Data
Flow Diagram for the Check In/Out System
CIS321 Week 7 - Milestone 5 Part 3 Milestone
6 Primitive Diagram for the Check-Out Equipment
Event Structured English (pseudocode) for the
Check Equipment Event Validate Employee
elementary processes Data Structure Design (see
figure 9-10) for data input and data output for
the Validate Employee elementary process
6 CIS 321 Slingshot Academy snaptutorial
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