Title: Want to Be A Summer Camp Counselor
1Want to Be A Summer Camp Counselor?
3If you love working with kids, have a positive
attitude and you love the outdoors, crafts and
games being a summer day camp counselor may be
the perfect job for you.
4Flexibility is a big plus in this type of job, as
you never know what the day will throw at you,
and youll need an upbeat, can-do attitude.
5Whether youre supervising lakeside activities,
wearing a wacky outfit and doing the chicken
dance or mediating a squabble between campers,
youll need to bring on your best game.
6Here are a few tips for getting the summer job of
your dreams.
7What Do Camp Counselors Do?
8Typically, counselors are hired to act as
recreational leaders supervising overall camp
operations or teaching various special
9Swimming, archery, horseback riding, crafts and
nature education are just a few of the myriad
fun-filled outdoor activities youll enjoy right
along with the kids at day camp.
10Youll need plenty of patience, creativity,
leadership skills and above all, a sense of
11Apply Early!
12This is extremely important as camps often start
looking for staff in the winter months. If youre
a bit late, dont worry many programs still have
openings in May and June.
13Have good references on hand and note that some
sites will ask you to make a YouTube video to
accompany your application.
14Looking Locally
15If youre looking for a job near where you live,
contact local day camps, YMCAs, town recreation
departments and other youth organizations to see
if theyre looking for summer camp staff.
16You may know other people who work there, and be
able to use these connections, who may offer to
refer you.
17Look Online
18There are a variety of websites listing summer
camp jobs including Camp Channel, Camp Depot and
Camp Page.
19Cool Works, a summer job site, also has some
interesting opportunities.
20Are There Educational Requirements?
21While there are not specific educational
requirements for summer camp counselors, it helps
to have CPR and First Aid certification and it
may even give you an edge over other applicants.
22Be Creative With Previous Work Experience
23OK, maybe you havent been a camp counselor, but
maybe you have been a camper.
24On your application, emphasize your summer camp
experiences and how you want to carry the fun
forward by becoming a counselor yourself.
25If youve spent a summer or two at a camp as a
counselor-in-training, you have actual on-the-job
experience dealing with campers from a counselor
26Use Your Camp Connections
27Many counselors were once campers at the very
same camp to which theyre applying.
28Naturally, this would give you a leg up in the
hiring process because you already know the camp
culture, traditions and songs, and best of all
you have a real and infectious love of the camp
29Get Experience Working With Kids
30Though you may not have specifically worked at a
summer camp, you can accumulate other experience
working with youngsters.
31Tutoring younger kids, volunteering at
afterschool programs, assistant coaching on kids
teams and babysitting are all invaluable
experience with children.
32Ask guidance counselors, coaches or teachers for
33Emphasize Your Positives
34Even if youve never set foot in a summer camp,
your personal characteristics may position you
nicely for a job.
35Approachability, empathy, leadership ability,
creativity and enthusiasm are traits that
directors are looking for in their staff and a
little goofiness doesnt hurt!
36If youre responsible, caring and have the
ability to put others before yourself, youll be
a good candidate.
37Do You Have A Special Talent?
38If you have a particular talent or area of
expertise that fits in with the camps programs,
be sure to highlight this on your resume.
39Camps that emphasize the arts, for example, may
be thrilled with your expertise on the violin or
experience with musical theater production ...
40... while wilderness camps may zone right in on
the fact that you spend years in Boy Scouts or
spent summers camping with your family.
41Any certifications in camp-related areas are also
42So, get working on that resume!
43Remember to emphasize the positive, list all
related experience volunteer or paid and put your
enthusiasm and love of kids front and center.
44Let your kids enjoy the experience of summer day
camp at Maplewood Summer Day Camp.
45Experienced staff will keep your child both safe
and busy with arts and crafts, games, water
sports, gymnastics and more.
46Visit the site at http//www.maplewoodyearround.co
CENTER 150 Foundry St. (Route 106) PO Box 88
(Mailing) South Easton, MA 02375 Email
info_at_maplewoodyearround.com Telephone (508)
238-2387 FAX (508) 238-1154