Title: FTP Worldwide – Secure File Sharing
1FTP Worldwide Secure File Sharing
FTP Worldwide has a simple, secure and flexible
solution for your managed file transfer and file
sharing needs. Unlike many of our competitors. We
can customize a plan to meet the unique needs of
your business at an affordable price. FTP
Worldwide provides the security and reliability
that you need for your mission critical file
transfer and file sharing applications, Our
private and secure cloud service ensures that
your data will not be compromised.
2FTP Hosting Service
- Simple and flexible
- Build for business
- Trustworthy leader
- Best of breed customer support
3Simple and flexible
FTP Worldwide can provide you with an affordable
and secure managed file transfer solution.
Whether you are a mom and pop shop or a global
enterprise, FTP Worldwide can create a plan that
allows you to connect and share files with your
customers, trading partners and employees. Our
service includes popular file transfer server
protocols of FTP, FTPS, SFTP and HTTPS with an
intuitive browser-based interface.
4Build for business
5Trustworthy leader
6Best of breed customer support
7Contact us
Address 1505 SW 8th Terrace City
Lee's Summit State Missouri Zip
code 64063 Phone 800-781-6862