Title: How to Write an Argumentative Essay
1How To Write An Argumentative Essay
- Created by Essay-Academy.com
21. Choosing A Topic
Select a topic of an argumentative essay
according to your own interests. Remember that
your theme has to be arguable. Think about your
everyday problems. What questions do you ask
yourself every morning? If you are the happiest
person in the world and there are no questions
that disturb you every day, think about your
previous experience. What problems did you face
several years ago?
3Suppose you used to hate free school meals in
your primary school. Write about this problem
in your argumentative essay!
42. Formulating A Title
As your theme has to be arguable, you cant write
an argumentative essay under the title My
Feelings and Emotions about Free School Meals.
Try to make a question from your problem like
this Should free school meals be available to
all the children?. Such a question is not
exactly your problem, but it is closely connected
to your own experience.
53. Reading A Lot Of Literature Connected with
Your Topic
Even if you think that you know the correct
answer to the question Should free school meals
be available to all the children? (of course,
your answer is No, free school meals should not
be available to all the children! Moreover, free
school meals must be forbidden in the world!),
dont make haste to write your opinion.
6The golden rule is that an argumentative essay is
rather logical than emotional. To formulate
your own point of view, you first need to read
enough literature connected with your issue.
74. Formulating Your Own Point of View
If you have read enough information connected
with your topic, you can write your argumentative
essay. Formulate your own point of view in the
introduction paragraph of your essay. You may
start the body paragraphs with explaining the
opinion which is diametrically opposed of yours.
Demonstrate that you understand that having
dinner in time is good for childrens health.
Then give another point of view (which is your
own). It has to be more convincing than the
previous opinion.
85. Proving Your Own Opinion and Giving Some
To prove your own point of view, you should give
some bright examples from your own experience,
world and national literature, history, etc. For
example, you may mention that some of your
classmates used to throw free school buns on the
way to home. Stress that free school meals are
uneconomical for our state.
96. Making a Conclusion
Summarize all the information. Make the
conclusion that free school meals are certainly
good for childrens health, but many schoolboys
and schoolgirls dont eat this food, so there is
no need in it. Furthermore, some children feel
the negative emotions because of this fact. A
child knows that if he / she doesnt eat, the
teacher will punish him / her as a result, this
child throws out this food.
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