Title: Prospectus 2016 Admission Brochure
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2Conventionally B-schools, positioned themselves
on the dimensions of pedagogy and content.
B-schools unable to 4llow the middle path of
balancing the pedagogy and content will become
extinct. Also, the globalization has led to
paradigm shift In the strategic context of doing
business, leading to the independence of the
economies. Organizations in BRICS and South Asian
countnes have not only gained from economic
opportunities but also bced the complex
management challenges. The increasing focus on
tple bottom-line (profit, people and planet)
emphasized the need of susbinable practices and
ethics. The conservative appoach of'4llow the
big has made the business education humdrum and
faraway from business reality. In India,
business education is now at the cross road of
conventional cuculum and tmditional learning
methods. Therefore, in many a case the
'managers-in-the-making are not sensitized
towards applying global knowledge for the
local poblems. Thats why United Nations
has developed the Pnciples for Responsible
Management Education and it is imperative for
B-schools to reinventthemselves and reposition
business education. VJIM, has responded to
the clarion call, embarked on stragtegic
mission and come up with focus on poviding
"Global Width and Local Depth" in management
education and became a leading Game Changer among
the premier B-schools in India. The'local depth
is explored though developing'industy-specificskil
ls, while meeting the needs of Indian
businesses. By repositioning business
education, VJIM is committed to poducing
locally fit and 'globally sensitive manager
who can process agile leademhip qualities to
deliver sustainable value to all stakeholder in
the emerging economics.
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