Title: Sydney Water Quick Check | LP Consulting Pty Ltd
1 LP Consulting Pty Ltd
- LP Consulting Pty Ltd is a well Known consulting
engineering firm of Sydney offering expert
technical advice since 2013. Our main aim is to
shape a better world which will have a positive
influence on future generations. We completed a
number of projects both small and small projects
since our establishment.
61 2 9223 4444
LP Consulting Pty Ltd
2Design and Project Management
LP Consulting provides a range of services in the
field of design and project management. We have a
have a team of highly trained and experienced
civil engineers.
Our Services
3Hydraulic and Fire Services
- We are ranked highly as hydraulic services
consultants Sydney because of the experience of
Mr Louis Pangopoulos, Our principal engineer.
Our Services
4Civil Engineering
- We provide innovative and cost effective solution
to your ideas because, We are an expert technical
advisor of Sydney.
Our Services
5Sydney Water Accredited
LP Consulting is a Sydney Water CBD Satellite
office of Greg Houston Plumbing Pty Ltd who is a
Licensed Water Servicing Coordinator. Mr Louis
Panagopoulos has provided his guidance for a wide
range of Sydney Water related matters since 1988.
Our Services
6Water and Wastewater Engineering
- We are a team of professional with hands on
experience in waste water management in Sydney
Our Services
7Building and Infrastructure
LP Consulting is consulting engineering firm
focused on delivering a design solution which can
meet client needs.
Our Services