Title: Osteopathy and Sinus Congestion
1Body Beast Review
Other physical symptoms can include issues
relating to the reproductive system, symptoms
relating to sexual desire and issues relating to
the menstrual cycle. Treating physical stresses
on the body can go a long way towards treating
many of the most common physical complaints.One
of the main reasons why people choose to have
regular chiropractic adjustments is the effect
that stress can have on the central nervous
system. The spinal cord, which runs through the
spinal column, is an influential part of the
nervous system, and if stress is allowed to
affect the spinal column, it can then affect the
spinal cord.
2Body Beast Review
Everyday stresses such as sitting in the wrong
position for extended periods can cause these
misalignments of the spine to occur. If vertebrae
in the spine become misaligned, they can press on
the spinal column, causing pain and discomfort
around the body. In some cases, the effects of
this misalignment can be even worse.Chiropractors
are trained to identify misalignments of the
spinal cord which may be affecting the nervous
system. Using skilled manipulation techniques,
they are able to make minor adjustments to help
to realign the spine and relieve the pressures
caused by stress. This will help to relieve
muscle tensions, reduce pressure on the spinal
column and restore blood flow to affected areas.
3Body Beast Review
Although chiropractors often do reactionary work
by treating people who have existing pain
problems, regular chiropractic adjustments can
function as a proactive form of treatment. These
adjustments help to ensure that stress is reduced
around the body before it reaches critical
levels. This helps to prevent patients from
reaching a level where they may end up in pain or
discomfort. Chiropractors therefore offer both
prevention and cure.If ever there are statements
that still ring true to this day and need to be
given attention to it's those made by Florence
Nightingale (Florence Nightingale's maxim) "first
do no harm" and The 'Hippocratic Oath' from
ancient Greek medic Hippocrates which includes
the pledge "to abstain from doing harm...
4Body Beast Review
"In Iatrogenesis (death by medical intervention)
you will find...How medical intervention (medical
mistakes) Diabetes 60 System can do more harm
than good. For examples in the USA there has been
something like 400,000 deaths in this way
(unnecessary or harmful surgery, adverse drug
reactions and hospital contracted infections...
), hitting record highs in recent times... as
reported by Tejal Gandhi, MD, president of the
National Patient Safety. This makes death by
medical intervention the 3rd biggest killer with
heart disease and cancer the 1st and
2nd.Reflecting the above findings in spite of all
the money poured in and advances on technology
the health track record is poor