Title: Dangers Of Speeding While Driving
1Dangers Of Speeding While Driving
2As drivers we all remember that one of the first
things our parents or driving instructor would
tell us is that it is dangerous to drive while
3There is a large portion of drivers that do not
speed, but also a large portion of drivers that
4These drivers put themselves, their passengers,
pedestrians, and other drivers in danger.
5A scary statistic is that the number three reason
for people dying in fatal crashes is due to
6This occurs in 33 of crashes that end in
7This method of death is right below impaired
driving and finally distracted driving.
8In regards to male drivers aged from 15 20
close to 39 were driving at an excessive speed
when they crashed and a fatality occurred.
9As drivers we usually have access to the news or
some kind of social media aspect that keeps up
informed of current happenings.
10It is then fair to reason that we hear of people
dying in crashes that occurred due to dangerous
11You may ask yourself Why do drivers speed then?.
12The first reason that drivers speed is that they
are in a rush.
13This could be due to impatience or being late for
14For drivers that have a short destination driving
over the speed limit doesnt save them much time.
15With this in mind they are likely to arrive at
work or their appointment at the same time they
would if they were driving at a safe speed.
16The next reason that drivers speed is that they
may not be paying attention.
17This could be because the driver didnt rest
properly before deciding to drive somewhere.
18This could also occur if they are talking or
texting while they are driving.
19The third reason that speeding occurs is due to a
drivers mentality that they are above the law.
20This reason for speeding could lead to other
risky behavior while driving due to the fact that
drivers in this category have no respect for the
21The fourth reason is due to drivers failing to
recognize that their driving can be dangerous.
22The final reason that drivers speed is simply
they dont think they will get caught.
23Each of these reasons for speeding can also lead
to additional behavior that isnt safe.
24This includes drinking and driving, and failing
to wear a seat belt.
25Hopefully with knowing the dangers of speeding
while driving you and other drivers will be
discouraged from taking part in this dangerous
activity and other activities that can occur.