Title: BSHS 375 Academic Success / snaptutorial.com
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2 BSHS 375 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial
BSHS 375 Entire Course
BSHS 375 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database
Demographic Information
BSHS 375 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database
Demographic Information BSHS 375 Week 3 Learning
Team Technological Access to Services BSHS 375
Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Healthcare
Educational Resources Paper BSHS 375 Week 4
Individual Assignment Database Invoice Report
Resource Database Template located on the
student website This assignment will encompass
the remaining 4 weeks of class with the final
product submitted in Week Five. There are
multiple worksheets that you can access using the
tabs at the bottom of the Microsoft Excel
template. You will work on one worksheet each
3 BSHS 375 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial
BSHS 375 Week 3 Learning Team Technological
Access to Services
BSHS 375 Week 4 Individual Assignment Database
Invoice Report
Choose from the following options to complete
this assignment Option One Write a 1,050- to
1,400-word paper discussing how technology
assists in linking clients to services.
Create automatic sort for the data on the
Encounter worksheet. Go to the Invoice Report
worksheet and create an invoice report that can
be printed for a selected client showing the
dates that they were seen at the facility and the
amount due.
4 BSHS 375 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial
BSHS 375 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment
Healthcare Educational Resources Paper
BSHS 375 Week 5 Individual Database Graph
All team members should answer each question
below and post the answer in the team forum to
compare information from multiple states. The
Learning Team should research a minimum of three
states. Identify the assistive technologies
available to special needs populations in your
Refer to the Graph worksheet in the Database
Template on the student website. Create a graph
in the Graph worksheet of the Database Template
Microsoft Excel template that charts clients
age and a second graph that charts clients
medication. Format each graph for printing.
5 BSHS 375 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial
BSHS 375 Week 5 Individual Online Therapy Paper
BSHS 375 Week 5 Learning Team Quality Assurance
Conduct an Internet search for at least three
online therapy sites. Write a 1,050- to
1,750-word paper in which you discuss the content
in each site, the professionals involved, and how
the actual online interaction occurs.
Read the scenario and complete both Part 1 and
Part 2. Part 1 As the director of a
community-based mental health agency, you receive
a phone call from a school where one of your
staff is providing services to a client. The
teacher reports that the staff person is very
talented, but is not open to feedback and does
not tailor her interventions with the client
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