Title: Healing Gemstone Moonstone Meaning and Uses
1Welcome to Kabeer agate
2Meaning and uses of Moonstone
Moonstones the psychic stones
Best known as the psychic's gemstone, moonstones
go far beyond just improving psychic abilities. A
type of feldspar, the most common variety of
moonstone is usually a dreamy, milky sort of
You can find other forms in a wide range of
colors including black, blue, yellow, rose pink
and even a mixture of colors, but white is the
predominate color and is what people tend to mean
when they speak of moonstones.
The main characteristic that makes them such a
popular choice is the luminous sheen that flashes
through the stones. Known as the schiller effect,
the colors of light that dance through the stone
can be white, pink, yellow or blue. The colors
are similar to those seen within opals and make
you think of the moon reflecting off glass.
The most commonly known Moonstone meaning is that
it is perhaps the strongest gemstone available to
help bring out psychic abilities. I have heard
stories of someone touching a stone for the first
time and having instant visions that change their
Moonstones help to heighten your intuition and
increase your ability to perceive the minute
energy fluxes that happen around us on a constant
basis and are perfect for anyone that uses any
form of divining tool like Tarot Cards, Scrying
Mirror, Crystal Ball or Rune Stones.
Another popular Moonstone meaning is that it
helps in wish fulfillment. This tends to work
best on things that are needed versus things that
are just wanted. Too often we want things that
really are not good for us and moonstones help us
understand why we should not have what we
Hold a moonstone in your right hand and breathe
upon the stone the wish you need fulfilled. Then
leave the stone outside on the night of the full
moon so it can communicate directly with the moon
in all her glory. Leave the stone there until the
next full moon. Whisper your wish out your window
each night until the next full moon when you will
bring the gemstone inside and keep it near you so
your wish will come true.
Moonstone jewelry, especially rings, earrings,
bracelets and necklaces are sought after by Pagan
peoples to wear during psychic or tarot card
readings. All types of jewelry make great gifts
for anyone who works as a psychic or would like
to increase their abilities.
11Moonstone Merkaba Star
12Moonstone Merkaba Star
13Moonstone Massage wands
14Chakra Rainbow Moonstone Healing Stick
15Pink Moonstone Tumble Stone
16Click Here For Healing Crystal Moonstone
17Thank you For more information Visit our website