Title: A brief overview of Keratin Treatment for hair
1Keratin Treatment for Hair
A keratin treatment is a good option for hair. It
enables the straightening and smoothing of hair.
This treatment is beneficial for those who are
looking for a long, clean and straight
3 How Keratin Treatments Works
Keratin is a natural element present in the hair.
During the treatment keratin is applied to hair
and sealed with a flat hair iron. Then heat is
used for infusing the protein mixture into the
hair. After the completion of treatment, hair
should not be washed for the next three to four
days. Sodium-sulfate-free shampoo is recommended
to attain the effects of this treatment.
4 How Long Does this Treatment Take
A keratin treatment at a good hair salon will
take approximately one to two hours. It will
depend on the length of the hair. The greater the
length, the more time it will take.
5 How Long Do this Treatments Last
The effects of this treatment lasts for about two
to three months depending on the quality of hair
i.e. thickness and length.
6Contact Us
Headcase Hair Pty Ltd
Address 242 Oxford St
Paddington Sydney NSW 2021
Phone (02) 93809988
Email headcase_at_headcasehair.com
Visit www.headcasehair.com
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