Title: Justin Krashefski Personal Trainer And Full-Time Student
1Justin Krashefski Personal Trainer And Full-Time
Justin Krashefski is a personal trainer certified
by the American Council on Exercise and a
full-time student attending Florida Atlantic
University in Boca Raton. He is studying to earn
his Bachelors degree in Exercise Science and
Health Promotion. Krashefski wants to gain the
educational background to be able to start his
own personal fitness business in Boca Raton. He
is very interested in how diet affects athletic
and physical performance. He is also an advocate
for better corporate and workplace fitness
2Justin Krashefski Avid Runner
Justin Krashefski has always been an avid and
dedicated jogger. He loves being able to take a
run on the sandy, sunny beaches of South Florida
and swim in the ocean. Krashefski is a certified
personal trainer and physical fitness is
extremely important to him. He hopes to help
others in his community in Boca Raton see the
importance of diet and exercise soon and share
his love of running with everyone in the local
3Justin Krashefski Closing In On BS Degree
Justin Krashefski is close to graduating from
Florida Atlantic University with a BS degree in
Exercise Science and Health Promotion. He hopes
to use his training, experience, and education to
start his own fitness studio in Boca Raton,
Florida, a business he hopes will help improve
the exercise and diet habits of many people in
his community. He has studied the effects of diet
on athletic performance at length and believes
that he can contribute to a healthier, more
active Boca Raton.
4Justin Krashefski Associates Degree
Justin Krashefski earned an Associates Degree
from Keiser University in Sports Medicine. He
earned certification from the American Council on
Exercise as a personal trainer and he plans on
opening his own fitness studio in Boca Raton
where he lives. Krashefski hopes that by working
with people in his community on an individual
level, he can help create a healthier, happier
community as a whole. Krashefski has lived in
South Florida all his life and he wants to help
its people see the difference proper diet and
exercise makes.
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