Title: Promotional Water Bottles As A Marketing Tool
1Promotional Water Bottles As A Marketing Tool
2If you are a marketer, you already know that your
target market gets bombarded with thousands of
messages promoting this or that product or
service and, as such, it is important to consider
a different approach. Most companies today are
taking the route of using custom water bottles as
their new medium of communicating with people
promotional water bottles are the new way of
maintaining the Holy Grail of marketing as we
know it. There are important reasons why
promotional bottled water is the way to go with
your marketing that include
3Promotional water bottles meet a specific need
We all know that among the basic needs of a human
being are water, food and shelter without which
you will die. We all know that a person can only
go for so many days without water. This means
that when you give your prospective customers a
bottle of water we are talking about cool fresh
water that has the logo of your company on it
you are simply meeting one of their most basic
human needs. This is something that they will
understand and appreciate on a subconscious
level. They will definitely remember you for it
even if they may not quite understand why this
creates a good connection that you can exploit
4Promotional water bottles put your customers
where you want them, on your business Everyone
seem to be in a hurry these days and marketers
are asking themselves about the best way to get
their message in front of the eyes of their
target market. We all know that developing a
technology to eliminate or reduce the messages we
are exposed to us quite a challenge. All the
traditional marketing methods will depend on the
chances that the prospect will come into contact
with the message this means that when you put
your logo and message on custom water bottles
they land directly at the hands of your
5Promotional water bottles have a longer exposure
Most typical TV commercials last for between
30-60 seconds and they are gone and because of
peoples attitude towards commercials, you cant
be sure that they didnt flip the stations until
the commercial is passed.
6The visibility of a billboard may well depend on
the speed at which someone is driving while print
ads also depend on how fast someone is flipping.
However, when you hand someone a promotional
water bottle labels, the duration of the exposure
will be the amount of time it will take the
person to finish that bottle of water it is said
to be anywhere between 3 and 20 minutes.
7 Unit 3 / 13 Brendan Drive Nerang QLD
4211 07 5527 2788 www.goldcoastspringwater.com