Title: Research Report on India Metals & Minerals Industry
1- Research Report on India Metals Minerals
Industry -
Market Reports On India
Market Reports On India
By http//www.marketreportsonindia.com/
This report profiles Indias metals and minerals
industry, discussing market trends and outlook
through 2015 and beyond. The report also
highlights leading players in the sector
including Hindalco Industries Ltd, Hindustan Zinc
Ltd and Hindustan Copper Ltd. The Indian metals
and minerals sector is one of the important
constituents of economic growth in India. The
country has been a major global player in
minerals and metals in terms of manufacturing,
consumption and trading in the last few years.
India is ranked amongst the worlds largest
producers of aluminum and zinc. The sector
comprises mining, production and trading
companies. The big metals players dominate the
industry and thus form a sort of oligopoly.
FY15 was a tough year for the sector despite an
increase in production and demand, primarily due
to lower global commodity prices.
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3The global situation for metals and minerals was
also adverse with spot prices of several metals
going south. The value of Indias mineral
production saw a decline as a result of the
prevailing global situation. However, growth in
demand brought some relief to the sector. The
index for production of basic metals recorded a
steady growth, while mining finally registered
growth in 2015-16 after three successive years of
decline. The outlook for metals and mineral
sector looks stable in the near-term because of a
demand uptick and decline in inflation. Low per
capita metal consumption, vast mineral resources
and growing construction sector will act as
drivers for the sector in the long-term. Reforms
and clearances in the mining sector will further
add to the growth of this sector.
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4Key Points During FY09-13, the metallic
minerals segment grew at a CAGR of 16. However,
it recorded a steep y/y decline of 14 in FY14.
It further declined by 1 y/y in FY15. The
non-metallic minerals segment grew at a CAGR of
18 during 2009-13, but also saw a decline in
FY14. However, it recorded a growth of 1 y/y in
FY15. During 2008-13, domestic production
capacity of aluminium grew at a CAGR of 7.4
while the actual production grew at a CAGR of
6.8. Production saw a steep decline in FY14 but
revived in FY15 with a growth of 5 y/y.
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5 Table of Contents
- Industry Profile
- Sector overview
- Market Trends and Outlook
- Key economic indicators-India
- Minerals
- Metals
- Global prices
- Market outlook
- Leading Players and Comparative Matrix
- Leading players
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Email Id mronindia_at_gmail.com
6 To view the full Executive Summary and Table of
Contents, please visit Research Report on India
Metals Minerals Industry Contact us
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