Title: Driving Directions & You
1I remember the first time I was driving somewhere
that was unfamiliar to me.
2It was a very stressful time because I didnt
want to be late to the event, I was heading to,
but I also wanted to arrive in one piece.
3I remember thinking about the different
possibilities that could help me with getting to
my destination, and how I wished I would have
used them.
4Maps and atlases used to be the most common
method for finding your way around.
5When driving, it would be dangerous to look up
your driving directions up and a map or atlas.
6To safely do this, you would need to be stopped.
7That is, unless you had a passenger in the
vehicle to act as a navigator.
8Drivers would also need to keep in mind that maps
get outdated, and you will have to buy new maps
that show the latest additions to new roads and
9There are many websites online that allow you to
look up step by step driving directions.
10You can plan your trip in advanced, and then
choose the specific route you want to take.
11You can then print off these step by step
instructions, including a picture of the map with
your route, and take them with you.
12Having these steps by step driving directions are
very convenient, but it is still a distraction to
try and follow the steps on a piece of paper
while driving.
13It is much better to study the driving directions
in advanced, that way you do not have to take
your eyes off the road.
14Although, if you had a passenger with you while
driving, they can still help to act as your
15Cell phones and other GPS device have now become
the most common resource for driving directions.
16You just need to know the address of your
17Many cell phones have an app that allows for
navigation by voice, which is hands free, and it
allows drivers to always stay focused and aware
of your surroundings while driving.
18Another advantage of using the voice by
navigation feature on cell phones is that it will
notify you of the shortest and quickest route
19Many of the apps on cell phones that provide the
voice navigation automatically update the maps
with new roads and highways.
20Even if you miss a turn, most of these voice
navigation apps will reroute you to your
destination, that way you dont have to stop and
study a map.
21We are no longer dependant on using maps and
atlases for our driving directions.
22Now with newer technology like certain websites
that allow you to plan your route, and more
recently GPS devices and cell phones, allow you
to get the latest maps and driving directions
more efficiently.
23Not only has it become more convenient to get
your driving directions.