Basic Hydraulic Principle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Basic Hydraulic Principle


Basic Hydraulic principle in open channel flow – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Basic Hydraulic Principle

Chapter Two Basic Hydraulics Principles
  • 2.1 Geometry of Open channel
  • Geometric Properties Necessary for Analysis
  • For artificial channels these can usually be
    defined using simple algebraic equations given b
    y the depth of flow.
  • The commonly needed geometric properties are
    shown in the figure below and defined as
  • Depth (y) the vertical distance from the lowest
    point of the channel section to the free surface.
  • Stage (z) the vertical distance from the free
    surface to an arbitrary datum

Geometric Properties Necessary
for Analysis
  • Area (A) the cross-sectional area of flow,
    normal to the direction of flow
  • Wetted perimeter (P) the length of the wetted
    surface measured normal to the direction of flow.
  • Surface width (B) width of the channel section
    at the free surface

Geometric Properties Necessary
for Analysis
  • Hydraulic radius (R) the ratio of area to
    wetted perimeter (A/P)
  • Hydraulic mean depth (D) the ratio of area to
    surface width (A/B)

Elements of hydraulic channel section geometry
  • Given rectangular channel calculate Hydraulic
    radius and hydraulic mean depth of the following

QUESTIONSOpen channel flow
  • 1.0 Compute Hydraulic Radius and hydraulic mean
    depth for trapezoidal channel.

  • The equations which describe the flow of fluid
    are derived from three fundamental laws of
  • Conservation of matter
  • Conservation of energy
  • Conservation of momentum

  • Although first developed for solid bodies they
    are equally applicable to fluids.
  • A brief descriptions of the concepts are given
  • Conservation of matter -
  • This says that matter cannot be created nor
    destroyed, but it may be converted (e.g. by a
    chemical process.)
  • In fluid mechanics we do not consider chemical
    activity so the law reduces to one of
    conservation of mass.

  • Conservation of energy
  • This says that energy cannot be created nor
    destroyed, but may be converted form one type to
    another (e.g. potential may be converted to
    kinetic energy).
  • When engineers talk about energy "losses" they
    are referring to energy converted from mechanical
    (potential or kinetic) to some other form such as
  • A friction loss, for example, is a conversion of
    mechanical energy to heat.
  • The basic equations can be obtained from the
    First Law of Thermodynamics but a simplified
    derivation will be given below.

2.2Fundamental Equations
  • Conservation of momentum-
  • The law of conservation of momentum says that a
    moving body cannot gain or lose momentum unless
    acted upon by an external force.
  • This is a statement of Newton's Second Law of
  • Force rate of change of momentum

2.2Fundamental Equations
  • In solid mechanics these laws may be applied to
    an object which is has a fixed shape and is
    clearly defined.
  • In fluid mechanics the object is not clearly
    defined and as it may change shape constantly.
  • To get over this we use the idea of control
  • These are imaginary volumes of fluid within the
    body of the fluid.
  • To derive the basic equation the above
    conservation laws are applied by considering the
    forces applied to the edges of a control volume
    within the fluid.

Continuity Equation (conservation of mass)
  • For any control volume during the small time
    interval dt the principle of conservation of mass
    implies that the mass of flow entering the
    control volume minus the mass of flow leaving the
    control volume equals the change of mass within
    the control volume.
  • If the flow is steady and the fluid
    incompressible the mass entering is equal to the
    mass leaving, so there is no change of mass
    Within the control volume.

The Continuity
Equation (conservation of mass)
The Continuity
Equation (conservation of mass)
  • Considering control volume above which is a short
    length of open channel of arbitrary cross section
    then,if ? is the fluid density and Q is the
    volume of flow rate then mass flow rate is ?Q
    and the continuity equation for steady
    incompressible flow can be written
  • ?Qentering ?Qleaving

The Continuity Equation
(conservation of mass)
  • As Q, the volume of flow rate is the product of
    the area and the mean velocity then at the
    upstream face (face1) where the mean velocity u1
    and the cross sectional area is A1 then
  • Qentering U1A1
  • Similarly at the down stream face ,face2,where
    mean velocity is U2 and cross-sectional area is
    A2 then

The Continuity Equation
(conservation of mass)
  • Qleaving U2A2
  • Therefore, the continuity equation can be written
  • U1A1 U2A2

E nergy
Principle in channel
  • Consider forms of energy available for the above
    control volume.
  • If the fluid moves from the upstream face 1,to
    to the down stream face 2 in time ?t over the
    length L.
  • The work done in moving the fluid through face 1
    during this time is

E nergy
Principle in channel
  • Work done ?1A1L
  • Where p1 is pressure at face 1
  • The mass entering through face 1 is
  • Mass entering p1a1l
  • Therefore the kinetic energy of the system is

E nergy
Principle in channel
  • KE 1/2MU2 1/2P1A1LU12
  • If z1 is the height of centroid of face 1, then
    the potentail energy of the fluid entering the
    control volume is
  • PE mgz P1A1Lgz1
  • The total energy entering the control volume is
    the sum of the work done ,the potentail and the
    kinetic energy
  • Total energy P1A1L 1/2P1A1LU12 P1A1Lgz1

E nergy
Principle in channel
  • At the exit to control volume ,face 2 similar
  • The total energy per unit weight
  • P2/?2g u22/2g z
  • If no energy is applied to control volume between
    the inlet and the outlet then the energy entering
    energy leaving if fluid is incompressible ?1
    ?2 ?.
  • so

E nergy
Principle in channel

This is the Bernoulli equation
Energy-Depth Relationships
  • Energy in open channel Flow
  • It is known in elementary hydraulics that the
    total energy in foot-pound per pound of water in
    any streamline passing through ,a channel section
    may be expressed as the total head in feet of
    water, which is equal to the sum of the elevation
    above a datum, the pressure head, and the
    velocity head.

Energy-Depth Relationships
Fig. Energy in gradually varied 'open-channel
Energy-Depth Relationships
  • For example, with respect to the datum plane, the
    total head H at a section 0 containing point A on
    a streamline of flow in a channel of large slope
    (Fig. ) may be written as
  • H ZA dA cos VA2/2g
  • where ZA is the elevation of point A above the
    datum plane, dA is the depth of point A below the
    water surface measured along the channel section,
    ? is the slope angle of the channel bottom, and
    VA2/2g is the velocity head of the flow in the
    streamline passing through A.

Energy-Depth Relationships
  • In general, every streamline passing through a
    channel section will have different velocity
    head, owing to the non uniform velocity
    distribution in actual flow.
  • Only in un ideal parallel flow of uniform
    velocity distribution can only the velocity head
    be truly Identical for all points on the cross
  • In the case of gradually varied flow,
    however, it may be assumed, for practical
    purposes, that the velocity heads for all points
    on the channel section are equal , and the energy
    coefficient may be used to correct for the
    over-all effect of the non uniform velocity

Energy-Depth Relationships
  • Thus, the total energy at the channel section is
  • H Z d cos V2/2g
  • For channels of small slope, O.
  • Thus, the tots'! energy at the channel section is
  • H Z d V2/2g
  • Consider prismatic channel of large slope (Fig.
  • The line Representing the elevation of the total
    head of flow is the energy line.
  • The slope of the line is known as the energy
    gradient, denoted by Sf.
  • The slope of the water surface is denoted by Sw
    and the slope of the channel bottom by So Sin.
  • In uniform flow, Sf Sw So Sin?.

Energy-Depth Relationships
  • According to the principle of conservation of
    energy, the total energy head at the upstream
    section 1 should be equal to the total energy
    head at the downstream section 2 plus the loss of
    energy hf between the two sections or
  • Z1d1cos ? ?1 V12/2g Z2 d2COS? ?2V22/2g hf
  • This equation applies to parallel or gradually
    varied flow.
  • For a channel of small slope, it becomes Z1y1
    ?1 V12/2g Z2 y2 ?2V22/2g hf

Energy-Depth Relationships
  • Either of these two equations is known as the
    energy equation.
  • When ?1 ?2 1 and hf 0, Eq. above becomes
  • Z1y1 V12/2g Z2 y2 V22/2g constant
  • This is the well-known Bernoulli energy equation.

Specific Energy and Critical Depth
  • Specific energy in a channel section is defined
    as the energy per weight of water at any section
    of a channel measured with respect to the channel
  • Thus, according to Energy equation above with Z
    0, the specific energy becomes
  • E d cos ? ? V2/2g
  • or, for a channel of small slope and? 1,
  • E y V2/2g
  • which indicates that the specific energy is equal
    to the sum of the depth of water and the velocity

Specific Energy and Critical Depth
  • For a channel of small slope, since V Q/A the
    specific energy can be written as
  • E y Q2/2A2g
  • where, A By .
  • It can be seen that, for a given channel section
    and discharge Q, the specific energy in a channel
    Section is a function of the depth of flow only.
  • E y Q2/2B2Y2g
  • When the depth of flow is plotted against the
    specific energy for a given
  • channel section and discharge, a specific-energy
    Curve of Fig. below is obtained.

Specific Energy and Critical Depth
Fig. Specific-energy curve.
Specific Energy and Critical Depth
  • This curve has two limbs AC and BC.
  • The limb AC approaches the horizontal axis
    asymptotically toward the right.
  • The limb BC approaches the line OD as it extends
    Upward and to the right.
  • Line OD is a line that passes through the origin
    and has an angle of inclination equal to 450.
  • For a channel of large slope, the angle of
    inclination of the line OD will be different from
    45. (Why?)
  • At any point P on this curve, the ordinate
    represents the depth, and the abscissa
    represents the specific energy, which is equal
    to the sum of the pressure head y and the
    'velocity head V2/2g.

Specific Energy and Critical Depth
  • The curve shows that, for a given specific
    energy, there are tWo possible depths,. for
    instance, the low stage YI and the high stage
  • The low stage is called the alternate depth of
    the high stage, and vice versa. At point C the
    specific energy is a Minimum.
  • It will be proved Iater that this condition of
    minimum specific energy corresponds to the
    critical state of flow .
  • Thus, at the critical state the two alternate
    depths apparently become one, which is known as
    the critical depth Yc.
  • When the depth of flow is greater than the
    critical depth, the velocity of flow is less than
    the critical velocity for the given discharge
    and, hence, the flow is subcritical.

Specific Energy and Critical Depth
  • When the depth of flow is less than the critical
    depth, the flow is supercritical. Hence, YI is
    the depth of a supercritical flow, and Y2 is the
    depth of a subcritical flow.
  • If the discharge changes, the specific energy
    will be changed accordingly.
  • The two curves A' B' and A" B" (Fig. 3-2)
    represent positions of, the specific-energy curve
    when the discharge is less 'and greater,
    respectively, than the discharge used for the
    construction of the curve AB.

Critical state of flow
  • The critical state of flow ' has been defined
    (Art. 1-3) as the condition for which the Froude
    number is equal to unity.
  • A more common definition is that it is the state
    of flow at which the specific energy is a minimum
    for a given discharge.
  • theoretical criterion for critical flow may be
    developed from this definition as follows
  • Since V Q/ A, the equation for specific
    energy in a channel of small slope with ? 1,
    may be written

Critical state of flow
  • Differentiating with respect to y and noting
    that Q is a constant,
  • The differential water area dA near the free
    surface (Fig. 3-2) is equal to T dy. Now dA/dy
    T, and the hydraulic depth D A/T so the above
    equation becomes

Critical state of flow
  • At the critical state of flow the specific energy
    is a minimum, or dE/dy 0. The above equation,
    therefore, gives

Critical state of flow
  • If the above criterion is to be used in any
    problem, the following conditions must be
  • (1) flow parallel or gradually varied,
  • (2) channel 0f small slope, and
  • (3) energy coefficient assumed to be unity,

Critical state of flow
  • If the energy coefficient is not assumed to be
    unity, the critical-flow criterion is

Critical state of flow
  • For a channel of large slope angle and energy
    coefficient , the criterion for critical flow can
    easily be proved to be

where D is the hydraulic depth of the water area
normal to the channel bottom. In this case, the
Froude number may be defined as
Critical state of flow
  • It should be noted that the coefficient of a
    channel section actually varies with depth. In
    the above derivation, however, the coefficient is
    assumed to be constant therefore, the resulting
    equation is absolutely exact.

Minimum Specific energy for different channel
Minimum Specific energy for different channel
Minimum Specific energy for different channel
  • Generally, for non rectangular section for
    critical condition.
  • Differentiating with respect to y and noting that
    Q is constant.

Minimum Specific energy for different channel
  • The differential water area dA near the free
    surface (Fig. 3-2) is equal to T dy.
  • Now dA/dy T, and for minimum specific energy
    dE/dy 0 the the general equation

Minimum Specific energy for different channel
  • is applicable for critical condition.
  • Exercise Show that for triangular channel
    section the critical depth may be represented by
  • Where m is the side slope (m1) and specific
    energy at critical depth represented by E1.25YC

Minimum Specific energy for different channel
  • Example Calculate the critical depth and
    corresponding specific energy for a discharge of
    5.0m3/sec in the following channels
  • a) Rectangular channel B2.0m
  • b) Triangular channel m0.5
  • c) Circular channel D2.0m and ?60

Momentum Principle (Moment
  • Again consider the control volume above during
    the time


Momentum Principle (Moment Equation)
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