COM 220 Academic Success/snaptutorial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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COM 220 Academic Success/snaptutorial


For more classes visit COM 220 Week 1 CheckPoint Research Paper Topic COM 220 Week 1 Assignment Assignment Bias, Rhetorical Devices, and Argumentation COM 220 Week 2 DQ 1 and DQ 2 COM 220 Week 2 Checkpoint Gathering and Evaluating Information COM 220 Week 3 Checkpoint Annotated Bibliography COM 220 Week 3 COM 220 Week 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2 COM 220 Week 4 Checkpoint Developing a Thesis Statement COM 220 Week 5 CheckPoint Full Sentence Outline Assignment Quoting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing Sources COM 220 Week 5 Assignment Incorporating Statistics, Graphs, and Illustrations COM 220 Week 6 DQ 1 and DQ 2 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: COM 220 Academic Success/snaptutorial

COM 220 Courses
For more Classes VISIT
COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Entire Course
  • For more classes visit
  • COM 220 Week 1 CheckPoint Research Paper Topic
  • COM 220 Week 1 Assignment Assignment Bias,
    Rhetorical Devices, and Argumentation
  • COM 220 Week 2 DQ 1 and DQ 2
  • COM 220 Week 2 Checkpoint Gathering and
    Evaluating Information
  • COM 220 Week 3 Checkpoint Annotated Bibliography
  • COM 220 Week 3 COM 220 Week 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 1 Assignment Assignment Bias,
    Rhetorical Devices, and Argumentation
  • For more classes visit
  • Assignment Bias, Rhetorical Devices, and
  • Due Day 7 Individual forum
  • Resources American Rhetoric Web site and
    Bias, Rhetorical Devices, and
  • Argumentation
  • Listen to the speech at
  • http//
    espeechcitizenkane2.html by
  • clicking the Windows Media Video link or the
    Audio mp3 link, or read the transcript

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 1 CheckPoint Research Paper Topic
  • For more classes visit
  • CheckPoint Research Paper Topic
  • Resources Appendix A, Appendix C, and the
    Center for Writing Excellence
  • Grammar Guide.
  • Review Appendix C.
  • Select a topic for your research paper. Here
    are possible topic selections
  • Affirmative Action
  • Colonization
  • Consumerism
  • Culture

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 2 Checkpoint Gathering and
    Evaluating Information
  • For more classes visit
  • CheckPoint Gathering and Evaluating Information
  • Due Day 5 Individual forum
  • Resources Finding, Evaluating, and Utilizing
    Credible Information Bias, Rhetorical
  • Devices, and Argumentation the University
    Library Interactive Tutorial the Center for
  • Writing Excellence and Appendix D
  • Complete the University Library tutorial
  • Log on to your student Web site.

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 2 DQ 1 and DQ 2
  • For more classes visit
  • Discussion Questions
  • DQ 1 Due Day 2 Main forum
  • Post your response to the following Where do
    you normally find information for
  • topics that interest you? How do you know when
    sources are reliable? Explain your
  • answers.
  • DQ 2 Due Day 4 Main forum
  • Post your response to the following Review the
    following Internet and University
  • Library sources. Determine which sources are
    reliable and which are not. Explain
  • your answers.

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 3 Assignment Quoting, Summarizing,
    and Paraphrasing Sources
  • For more classes visit
  • Assignment Quoting, Summarizing, and
    Paraphrasing Sources
  • Due Day 7 Individual forum
  • Resources Finding, Evaluating, and Utilizing
    Credible Information Appropriate Style
  • Guidelines Appendix D and Appendix E.
  • Navigate to Grammar and Writing Guides in the
    Center for Writing Excellence
  • Read Plagiarism Using Direct Quotations
    Understanding Paraphrase and Summary
  • Understanding Plagiarism and Common Knowledge.

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 3 Checkpoint Annotated Bibliography
  • For more classes visit
  • CheckPoint Annotated Bibliography
  • As part of the writing process, you will refine
    your premise several times. Before you
  • eliminate any sources, you should create a record
    of your research in case you decide to
  • revisit an idea. An annotated bibliography tracks
    your research and compiles summaries
  • of each source. These summaries are valuable
    resources for writing your final paper.
  • Due Day 3 Individual forum

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 4 Checkpoint Developing a Thesis
  • For more classes visit
  • CheckPoint Developing a Thesis Statement
  • Due Day 3 Individual forum
  • Resources Stages of the Research Process
    Bias, Rhetorical Devices, and
  • Argumentation Organizing Your Research Paper
    the Time Web site and the Center
  • for Writing Excellence
  • Review A Nation Apart at
  • http//,9171,1
  • Consider the strategies Simon Elegant used in
    his article to support his thesis with
  • compelling arguments and counterarguments.

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2
  • For more classes visit
  • Discussion Questions
  • Due Day 2 Main forum
  • Read A Nation Apart at
  • http//,9171,1
  • Post your response to the following Identify
    the thesis statement in the article A
  • Nation Apart. What strategies does the author use
    to formulate his argument? What
  • makes the arguments so viable and compelling?

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 5 Assignment Incorporating
    Statistics, Graphs, and Illustrations
  • For more classes visit
  • Assignment Incorporating Statistics, Graphs, and
  • Due Day 7 Individual forum
  • Resources Incorporating Statistics, Graphs,
    and Illustrations Creating Tables
  • tutorial and Axia Colleges Writing Style
  • Review Incorporating Statistics, Graphs, and
    Illustrations on the student Web site
  • the Microsoft Word tutorial Creating Tables and
    Ch. 1 of Axia
  • Colleges Writing Style Handbook.

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 5 CheckPoint Full Sentence Outline
  • For more classes visit
  • CheckPoint Full-Sentence Outline
  • Due Day 4 Individual forum
  • Resources Organizing Your Research Paper and
    Bias, Rhetorical Devices, and
  • Argumentation
  • Review the criteria for full-sentence outlines
    in Organizing Your Research Paper on
  • the student Web site.
  • Create a full-sentence outline that includes

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 6 CheckPoint Introduction and
  • For more classes visit
  • CheckPoint Introduction and Conclusion
  • Due Day 3 Individual forum
  • Resource Drafting Your Research Paper
  • Consider the components of an effective
    introduction and an effective conclusion
  • outlined in Drafting Your Research Paper.
  • Write an introduction for your research paper
    that draws in readers.
  • Write a conclusion for your research paper that
    wraps up your paper.

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 6 DQ 1 and DQ 2
  • For more classes visit
  • Discussion Questions
  • DQ 1 Due Day 2 Main forum
  • Review the sections on introductions and
    conclusions in the reading Drafting Your
  • Research Paper on the student Web site.
  • Post your response to the following What type
    of introduction and what type of
  • conclusion do you plan to write for your research
    paper? How does the introduction
  • draw readers into your argument, and how does the
    conclusion wrap up your paper?
  • Explain your answers.

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 7 Assignment Peer Review Workshop
  • For more classes visit
  • Assignment Peer Review Workshop
  • Due Day 7 Individual forum
  • Resources Giving Constructive Feedback
    tutorial and Appendix G
  • Review the Giving Constructive Feedback
    tutorial at
  • Perform a peer review of a classmates rough
    draft. The instructor will place this in
  • your Individual forum on Day 4. Fill in each
    block of the Peer Review Checklist in
  • Appendix G.
  • Post the completed Peer Review Checklist

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 7 Checkpoint Rough draft of the
    Research paper
  • For more classes visit
  • CheckPoint Rough Draft of the Research Paper
  • Due Day 3 Individual forum
  • Resources Drafting Your Research Paper,
    full-sentence outline of your research
  • paper the introduction and conclusion for your
    research paper the assignment
  • Incorporating Statistics, Graphs, and
    Illustrations Study Guide Web site and
  • Appendix F
  • Review the reading Drafting Your Research Paper
  • http//
    tm at the Study

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 8 Checkpoint Research Paper Revision
  • For more classes visit
  • CheckPoint Research Paper Revision
  • Due Day 7 Individual forum
  • Resources Revising Your Research Paper and
    peer review of your paper
  • Write a 200- to 300-word response to the
  • What feedback did you receive from the CWE, your
    peer reviewer, and your
  • instructor?
  • Explain what feedback you will incorporate and
    what feedback you will not
  • incorporate into your paper. Include a rationale
    for your choices.

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 8 Checkpoint Writing Skills
  • For more classes visit
  • CheckPoint Writing Skills Assessment
  • Due Day 5 Individual forum
  • Consider the following You will continue to
    complete academic writing assignments
  • throughout your college career. As you complete
    the Writing Skills Assessment and
  • review the feedback, use the information to
    determine your writing strengths and to
  • note areas that need improvement.

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 8 DQ 1 and DQ 2
  • For more classes visit
  • Discussion Questions
  • DQ 1 Due Day 2 Main forum
  • Post your response to the following What was
    your experience with the Center for
  • Writing Excellence (CWE) in the past? In addition
    to the CWE, what other writing
  • tools are available for revising a research
    paper? How can you become your own
  • editor and review your writing with a critical
  • DQ 2 Due Day 4 Main forum
  • Post your response to the following What
    strategies do you

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 9 Capstone Checkpoint
  • For more classes visit
  • Capstone CheckPoint
  • Due Day 4 Individual forum
  • Write a 200- to 300-word response to the
    following questions
  • Now that you have finished your research paper,
    what advice would you provide
  • to students starting this course?
  • What would you do differently if you were just
    starting the course? On what
  • would you focus more? On what would you focus
    less? Explain your answers.

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 220 Week 9 Final Project Persuasive Research
  • For more classes visit
  • Final Project Persuasive Research Paper
  • Due Day 7 Individual forum
  • Resources Appendix A and Appendix H
  • Use the checklist in Appendix H to proofread
    your final draft. If you cannot answer
  • yes to an item in the proofreading checklist,
    revise your paper accordingly.
  • Construct a persuasive research paper in 2,000
    to 2,500 words, formatted according
  • to Axia-style guidelines.
  • Include the following elements

COM 220 Courses
  • COM 275 Article Rebuttal Paper
  • For more classes visit
  • Write a 350- to 700-word rebuttal to the article
    using valid arguments and supporting data. In
    your rebuttal, offer an analysis in which you do
    the following
  • Analyze the reliability, credibility, and
    validity of the data used by the author.
  • Identify any logical fallacies in the argument.
  • Format your rebuttal consistent with APA

COM 220 Courses
A Grades
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