INB 205 Bright Tutoring/ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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INB 205 Bright Tutoring/


For more course tutorials visit INB 205 Week 1 CheckPoint Foreign Investment Presentation INB 205 Week 1 DQs INB 205 Week 2 Assignment Foreign Exchange Markets Summary INB 205 Week 2 CheckPoint International Relationships Table (Appendix B) INB 205 Week 3 CheckPoint South Korea Socio cultural Report INB 205 Week 3 DQs INB 205 Week 4 Assignment Introduction to International Labor Memo INB 205 Week 4 CheckPoint Exchange Rates Research INB 205 Week 5 CheckPoint Population Growth Rates Report INB 205 Week 5 DQs INB 205 Week 6 Assignment WalMart Takes on the World Minicase INB 205 Week 6 CheckPoint Market Screening for Final Project INB 205 Week 7 CheckPoint Export Documentation Matrix (Appendix C) INB 205 Week 7 DQ 1 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:30
Slides: 23
Provided by: venkatala6


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: INB 205 Bright Tutoring/

INB 205 Bright Tutoring/
INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Entire Course (UOP)
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • INB 205 Week 1 CheckPoint Foreign Investment
  • INB 205 Week 1 DQs
  • INB 205 Week 2 Assignment Foreign Exchange
    Markets Summary
  • INB 205 Week 2 CheckPoint International
    Relationships Table (Appendix B)
  • INB 205 Week 3 CheckPoint South Korea Socio
    cultural Report
  • INB 205 Week 3 DQs
  • INB 205 Week 4 Assignment Introduction to
    International Labor Memo  

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • HUM 266 Week 1 Function of Art Paper (UOP)
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Due Date Day 5 post to the Individual forum
    Consider the following scenario You work for a
    company that manufacturers skateboards. Until now
    your company has only sold their skateboards
    domestically, but now the CEO is interested in
    exporting the skateboards to Australia. The CEO
    asks you to design a Microsoft PowerPoint
    presentation to present at the next board of
    directors meeting. This presentation will serve
    to educate the directors in the matters of
    foreign investment and international investment

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 1 CheckPoint Foreign Investment
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Discussion Question 1 Due Date Day 2 post to
    the Main forum Post your response to the
    following Describe the driving business forces
    in both the foreign and domestic environment. In
    what ways do they operate differently?
    Why?Provide an example.6. Discussion Question
    2 Due Date Day 4 post to the Main forum

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 2 Assignment Foreign Exchange
    Markets Summary
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Resources Appendix B,,
    Due Date Day 4 Individual forum Complete the
    table and follow up questions in Appendix B.
    Post the appendix as an attachment.

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 3 CheckPoint South Korea
    Sociocultural Report
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Due Date Day 5 Individual forum Consider the
    following scenario Your company wants to begin
    exporting to South Korea.Your boss has asked you
    to do some research regarding the local customs,
    culture, and business habits of the country.
    Develop a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint
    presentation addressing sociocultural differences
    between the United States

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 3 DQs
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Discussion Question 1 Resources p. 102 in
    International Business. Due Date Day 2 Main
    forum Choose one of the newly industrializing
    countries mentioned in the text (p. 102
    International Business) Choose a product you
    think would be suitable to export to the country
    you chose based solely on that countrys
    location, climate, topography, and natural

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 4 Assignment Introduction to
    International Labor Memo
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Assignment Introduction to International Labor
    Memo Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
    Consider the following scenario Your company
    sells its products in many different countries.
    The Director of Exporting and Trade has decided
    to take on a number of interns over the summer to
    help the company communicate with its outlets
    within the various foreign countries. The

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 4 CheckPoint Exchange Rates Research
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Resource Figure 11.1 on p. 328 and p. 349 in
    International Business. Due Date Day 4
    Individual forum Complete Research Task 1 on
    p. 349 using the information in Figure 11.1 on p.
    328. Describe your findings in a 200- to
    300-word response.

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 5 CheckPoint Population Growth Rates
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Resources http//
    et_Eng.pdf (Population Growth Index),
    004_S.pdf (FDI Confidence Index) Due Date Day
    5 Individual forum Consider the following
    scenario Eureka! Your company has developed a
    product that is all but guaranteed to be
    successful in any country that has a substantial
    population. The sales and marketing department
    would like you to do some research

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 5 DQs
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Discussion Question 1 Due Date Day 2 Main
    forum Post your response to these questions
    Explain why you think international strategy is
    important. What is the difference between
    domestic and international strategic planning? Be
    sure to respond to your classmates thoughts as
    well as posting your own.3. Discussion Question
    2 Due Date Day

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 6 Assignment WalMart Takes on the
    World Minicase
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Resources International Business pp. 407-409,
    426-427, and Ch. 14
  • Due Date Day 7 Individual forum Read pp.
    407-409, Wal-Mart Takes on the World. Consider
    the following scenario Your boss, the CEO of
    Wal-Mart, is interested in expanding operations
    into India. You have been asked to prepare a
    presentation for the company stakeholders that
    will inform them of the status of

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 6 CheckPoint Market Screening for
    Final Project
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Resources http//
    /intlonline/ and Appendix A Due Date Day 4
    Individual forum Visit http//
    iness/management/intlonline/ to select a region
    and country to review for your final project.
    Inform your instructor of the country and product
    you chose for the final project. Complete the
    market screening portion of your final project
    using the sources of information that relate to
    your selected country found on the Business

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 7 CheckPoint Export Documentation
    Matrix (Appendix C)
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Resources Appendix C, Ch. 16 in International
    Business Due Date Day 5 Individual forum
    Complete the documentation forms and functions
    matrix. Post your matrix as an attachment.

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 7 DQ 1
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Discussion Question 1 Due Date Day 2 Main
    forum Post your response to the following
    Consider the marketing mix. How does the
    marketing mix differ in the domestic and
    international environments? How is it the same?

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 7 DQ 2
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Discussion Question 2 Due Date Day 4 Main
    forum Post your response to the following
    There are many reasons a company would choose to
    export their products to a different country.
    Likewise, there are also many reasons a company
    would choose to import products from another
    country. Imagine that you are themanufacturer of
    a product. What are two potential reasons you may
    choose to export your product rather than selling
    it only in the United States?

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 8 Assignment Lunch and Learn
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Assignment Lunch and Learn Presentation
  • Due Date Day 7 Individual forum Consider
    the following scenario You have been asked by
    the director of your department to put together a
    lunch-and-learn wherein you will give your
    coworkers an introduction to the concepts of
    international strategy and organizational design.

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 8 CheckPoint Ch 20 Questions
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Resources Appendix D Due Date Day 4
    Individual forum Answer the questions in
    Appendix D. Post your answers as an attachment

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 9 Capstone DQ
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Due Date Day 3 Main forum Post your response
    to these questions In what ways has this course
    changed how you view international business
    dealings? Which topic was most relevant for you,
    and how will you apply what you have learned

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 9 Capstone DQ
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Due Date Day 3 Main forum Post your response
    to these questions In what ways has this course
    changed how you view international business
    dealings? Which topic was most relevant for you,
    and how will you apply what you have learned

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
  • INB 205 Week 9 Final Project Export Business Plan
  • For more course tutorials visit
  • Project Export Business Plan
  • Resource Appendix A Due Date Day 7
    Individual forum Consider the following
    scenario You own your own company and would like
    to go global! Research a potential market and
    product to get your export operations started and
    present your findings to potential investors.
    Create a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft PowerPoint
    (plus one reference slide) presentation with
    detailed speakers

INB 205 Bright Tutoring
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