Title: Easy Way to Send and Receive Surprise Gifts
2Happiness doesnt result from what we get but
from what we give.
-Ben Carson
3Importance of Giving Gifts Giving gifts is not
just an exchange of presents deeper than that is
the message you are trying to convey to the
recipient. When you put some thought into it and
choose a meaningful present, the gift becomes a
wish for someones happiness. On the other side,
a poorly chosen gift can send a message thats
downright insulting. Here comes the need for
Simple Sizes.
4What is Simple Sizes? Simple Sizes is a site
where people can share the things they like and
the sizes they wear so that others can get them
exactly the right things in exactly the right
size! Now, we are going to discuss the amazing
features of Simple Sizes!
5Create Your Account with Simple Sizes! Find
loved ones and be found by the people around you!
To get started, create a personal profile and
indicate your personal sizes. This is the easiest
way to start receiving perfectly sized gifts
without spoiling the fun.
6Post Your Gift! Now, you know your loved ones
sizes, likes and dislikes, so get ready for
shopping! Post your gift on Simple Sizes and be a
step closer to surprising them without giving the
surprise away.
7Send Gift to Your Loved One! Now that the
perfectly sized gift is ready for your loved one,
you can send it to them free of charge! Order
your gift at Simple Sizes and get ready to
surprise them every day and on every special
8Share Wish Lists! Get the perfect gift from your
loved ones by letting them know what you really
want. With Simple Sizes, you can easily upload
the presents you want and share them for others
to view.
9Connect with Your Friends All around the World on
Simple Sizes! Register now and get ready to
enjoy the happiness of giving and receiving
gifts! FREE signup! Call 713-213-2113 or visit