Title: Dental Care (1)
2Why our teeth are so important
- Teeth help us to chew and digest food. They help
us to talk, and to pronounce different sounds
clearly. Finally, teeth help to give our face its
shape. A healthy smile can be a great asset and
because this is so important, it makes sense to
give your teeth the best care possible. Moreover
Healthy teeth save us from many oral diseases
includes cancer.
3The Mouth and Body Connection
- Mouth has direct contact with our whole body.
What goes through those lips and over those gums
can have a significant effect on your total body
health. Anything you put in your mouth has the
potential to create medical problems in the rest
of your body. Luckily, our bodies are developed
to combat most bad bacteria, organisms, and germs
through our digestive processes
Picture Credit askmissa.com
4Gingivitis and Periodontal Diseases
- In its simplest form, Gingivitis is a precursor
to Periodontal Disease. Gingivitis is caused by a
build-up of plaque at the gum line that causes
irritation. Its most noticeable by bleeding of
the gums when brushing the teeth.
Picture Credit www.covingtonsmiles.com
5Tarter Build Up
- Left too long, plaque can harden and become a
tarter build-up on the teeth. The causes
swelling. The swelling creates access points for
food and other particles to become lodged below
the gum line. These particles cannot be removed
with normal brushing. Over a period of time, the
gums become abscessed.
Picture Credit www.warriorzen.com
6The Abscess
- An abscess is a condition in the mouth known as
full-blown periodontal disease. This is caused by
a build-up of Spirochetes bacterium, which can be
a killer. The Spirochetes bacterium grows in the
deep recesses of the gums and is linked to many
chronic medical problems throughout the rest of
your body. Some of these conditions are heart
disease, diabetes, arthritis, and some cancers.
The bacterium is even tied to Syphilis and Lyme
Picture Credit supernumeraryteeth.com
7How do you keep your teeth and gums healthy?
A simple routine can help prevent most dental
problems brushing your teeth last thing at night
and at least one other time during the day, with
a fluoride toothpaste cleaning between the teeth
with interdental' brushes or floss at least once
a day good eating habits - having sugary foods
and drinks less often, and
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9Must Do Dental Check Ups
It is important to do daily dental care but get
some time to visit a periodontist for check up.
That can help you to live a healthy life with a
healthy smile. You can meet Dr. Neale William who
has great experience as a periodntist. Visit
http//www.periorehab.com/ Ph. No.